
    • Anna79Anna79
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      Fed Meeting, Jobs Report, Apple Earnings, and More to Watch This Week

      A Federal Reserve meeting, the latest U.S. jobs data, and another packed stretch of third-quarterearningsseason will keep investors busy this week. Around 150 S&P 500 companies are sch
      Fed Meeting, Jobs Report, Apple Earnings, and More to Watch This Week
    • Anna79Anna79
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      6月29日下午,美團發佈公告,宣佈已完成對光年之外100%股權的收購,作價約20.65億元。公告顯示,收購價格包括現金2.34億美元(約合人民幣16.94億元)、債務承擔3.67億元以及給王慧文的現金1元。 在外界擔憂光年之外離開創始人王慧文後,還能否撐起10億美元獨角獸估值的時候,王興已出手幫助這位原來清華上鋪兄弟“兜底”,足可以見,王興與王慧文的兄弟情深。並且,今年上半年大模型帶飛了一籃子“概念股”,藉助光年之外美團AI行業競爭力與自身故事性將更進一步。 然而,二級市場似乎對這種故事並不感冒,甚至還有些不看好。美團發佈收購公告後,股價從6月29日最高價位128.10港元/股,跌至6月30日收盤價122.30港元/股,蒸發超300億港元。 一、大模型的故事,不屬於美團? 美團收購光年之外爲什麼不被多數股民所看好? 核心點或許在於,美團收購的行爲更像是王興爲以爲的情義買單,並非源於美團未來重大戰略性的轉型。投資人更看重是美團未來的盈利性、穩定性與優質性,一旦公司決策的“人情味>戰略性”,不夠理智也代表了風險。 這種揣測並非空穴來風。 一方面,光年之外能夠靠大模型概念成爲估值10億美元的獨角獸,靠的不是技術上的突破,更多源於創始人王慧文自帶光環。王慧文因病隱退,也讓光年之外失去其最靈魂核心人物。尤其是,當下大模型賽道林林總總,一輪搶位戰後,光年之外已不具備先發優勢。 一家科創公司,沒有技術上的突破,也並無首發優勢,背後也並沒有微軟對OpenAi那樣的支持。說白了,在大模型賽道上,光年之外所具有的基本只剩下燒錢堆技術、等待突破性產品落地的“故事”,並不算太優質。 而且,大模型的故事與美團也並不太契合。 美團作爲國內互聯網巨頭之一,相比較騰訊、阿里等互聯網來說,無論是在業務上還是技術上都更加“務實”。 近年來,互聯網科技公司們在人工智能、雲計算、元宇宙、虛擬人各個風口上卷生卷死。
    • Anna79Anna79
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      6月29日下午,美團發佈公告,宣佈已完成對光年之外100%股權的收購,作價約20.65億元。公告顯示,收購價格包括現金2.34億美元(約合人民幣16.94億元)、債務承擔3.67億元以及給王慧文的現金1元。 在外界擔憂光年之外離開創始人王慧文後,還能否撐起10億美元獨角獸估值的時候,王興已出手幫助這位原來清華上鋪兄弟“兜底”,足可以見,王興與王慧文的兄弟情深。並且,今年上半年大模型帶飛了一籃子“概念股”,藉助光年之外美團AI行業競爭力與自身故事性將更進一步。 然而,二級市場似乎對這種故事並不感冒,甚至還有些不看好。美團發佈收購公告後,股價從6月29日最高價位128.10港元/股,跌至6月30日收盤價122.30港元/股,蒸發超300億港元。 一、大模型的故事,不屬於美團? 美團收購光年之外爲什麼不被多數股民所看好? 核心點或許在於,美團收購的行爲更像是王興爲以爲的情義買單,並非源於美團未來重大戰略性的轉型。投資人更看重是美團未來的盈利性、穩定性與優質性,一旦公司決策的“人情味>戰略性”,不夠理智也代表了風險。 這種揣測並非空穴來風。 一方面,光年之外能夠靠大模型概念成爲估值10億美元的獨角獸,靠的不是技術上的突破,更多源於創始人王慧文自帶光環。王慧文因病隱退,也讓光年之外失去其最靈魂核心人物。尤其是,當下大模型賽道林林總總,一輪搶位戰後,光年之外已不具備先發優勢。 一家科創公司,沒有技術上的突破,也並無首發優勢,背後也並沒有微軟對OpenAi那樣的支持。說白了,在大模型賽道上,光年之外所具有的基本只剩下燒錢堆技術、等待突破性產品落地的“故事”,並不算太優質。 而且,大模型的故事與美團也並不太契合。 美團作爲國內互聯網巨頭之一,相比較騰訊、阿里等互聯網來說,無論是在業務上還是技術上都更加“務實”。 近年來,互聯網科技公司們在人工智能、雲計算、元宇宙、虛擬人各個風口上卷生卷死。
    • Anna79Anna79
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      How Valuation changes after Alibaba's split?

      Alibaba As a WholeBecause of the complicated business, large companies often consider the overall indicators of the company in valuation, such as profit (P/E, EV/EBITDA), income (market-to-Sales ratio, EV/Sales) and cash flow (P/FCF, DCF discounted sustainable cash flow). The advantage is intuitive, simple and can be compared horizontally; The disadvantage is that it is difficult to maximize the valuation potential of each business.For Alibaba, the latest dynamic P/E is 15 times.But the average ttm P/E since listing is 44.2x, Even since July 2021, it has an averag of 17.2 times. The current valuation is lower than the historical average, that is, "Undervalued".2024 adjusted EPS is 60.5 yuan(market consensus), That is, the valuation in 2024 should be US $154 per share, equals US $130.6 per
      How Valuation changes after Alibaba's split?
    • Anna79Anna79
      [Miser] [Miser] $First Republic Bank(FRC)$ Have a good future after the 30 billion deposit from the bigger banks. It has a loyal customer base that would rather stay with them as long as they believe the deposits they have with them is secure. The US government needs to increase the depositor guarantee amount from 250 K too an amount that would calm the customers of the Us banking system. I am bullish ,and have invested accordingly. $First Republic Bank(FRC)$ Have a good future after the 30 billion deposit from the bigger banks. It has a loyal customer base that would rather stay with them as long as they believe the deposits they have with them is secure. The US government needs to increase the depositor guarantee amount from 250 K too an amount that would calm the customers of the Us banking system. I am bullish ,and have invested accordingly.
    • Anna79Anna79
      [Miser] [Miser] //@Frisbee:Bearish on $HO BEE LAND LIMITED(H13.SI)$. The company earnings for the second half of 2022 fall 93 per cent to S$16 million compared to S$225 million in H2 2021. On a per-share basis, earnings for the period under review came in at S$0.0241, down from S$0.3388 for the same period in 2021.Full year PATMI declined 50% to S$165.9 million due to fair value loss and higher interest cost. 3 warning signs: (1) Debt is not well-covered by operating cashflow as well as (2) dividends of 4.35% is not well covered. (3) Profit margins (34.9%) are lower than last year (85.2%). @AhGong

      [Reward] Earnings Digest Gala: Find a Dark Horse for This Week

      To every SGX trader!Normally, stocks can experience significant volatility around the time of earnings release.The market will reward companies that beat expectations and also give positive earnings forecasts. Ofcouse, the market will also punish the stocks that miss estimates.Following are the list of companies that will ex_dividend or release earnings data this week.Welcome tigers to "Mark" which stock you are holding or which stock is your future choices, please reply with "recent earnings data" of your choices. We will reward you lovely. Thanks!Ex_Dividend Stock / REIT This WeekTypeDetailEx DateRecord DatePayment Date$KARIN TECHNOLOGY HLDGS LIMITED(K29.SI)$DIVIDENDHKD 0.0522023/2/282023/3/12023/3/16
      [Reward] Earnings Digest Gala: Find a Dark Horse for This Week
    • Anna79Anna79
      [Miser] [Miser] 

      3 Top Multifamily REIT Stocks to Buy in March

      These apartment REITs may seem like lambs now, but they could be lions later on.
      3 Top Multifamily REIT Stocks to Buy in March
    • Anna79Anna79
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