• BadarBadar
      This should be good 
    • Happiness.Happiness.
      $Occidental(OXY)$ Already bought  Will buy more if it goes lower 😇
    • IykykIykyk
      oil will go down make way for lower inflation
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Surge Amid Hurricane-Driven Supply Disruptions: Temporary or Sustained?

      Overview Oil prices experienced a sharp rise on Thursday, climbing over 2% as Hurricane Francine led to significant production shutdowns in the Gulf of Mexico. However, despite this short-term disruption, concerns remain over weak global demand, particularly from China and the US, which have been weighing heavily on the market. This report delves into the impact of Hurricane Francine, ongoing concerns about demand, and what the future holds for oil prices. Impact of Hurricane Francine on Gulf Oil Production As Hurricane Francine tore through the oil-rich Gulf of Mexico, approximately 42% of the region’s oil output, or 730,000 barrels per day, was shut down. The resulting supply disruption caused both US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent crude prices to surge. WTI crude futures rose
      Oil Prices Surge Amid Hurricane-Driven Supply Disruptions: Temporary or Sustained?
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Hurricane Concerns Lift Oil Prices, But Weak Demand Limits Gains

      Overview Oil prices surged over 1% on Thursday as traders reacted to the disruptions caused by Hurricane Francine in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Brent crude rose by $1.01 to reach $71.62 per barrel, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude increased by $1 to $68.31. However, despite the supply concerns stemming from the hurricane, a dim demand outlook continues to weigh heavily on the market, capping the recent price gains. Hurricane Francine’s Impact on U.S. Oil Production Hurricane Francine's landfall in southern Louisiana has led to significant disruptions in U.S. offshore oil production. Nearly 39% of oil and almost half of natural gas production in the Gulf of Mexico was offline as operators evacuated 171 production platforms and three rigs. This region accounts for about 15% of U
      Hurricane Concerns Lift Oil Prices, But Weak Demand Limits Gains
    • IykykIykyk
      Good for inflation data
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Slide to Two-Year Lows Amid Weakened Demand Outlook and Supply Concerns

      Overview Global oil prices took a hit on Tuesday, with both Brent crude and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures plummeting to their lowest levels since 2021 and 2023, respectively. The sharp drop followed OPEC+ revising down its demand forecast for this year and 2025, overshadowing supply disruptions caused by Tropical Storm Francine. A combination of sluggish global economic growth, disappointing data from China, and oversupply concerns has caused significant downward pressure on prices, leading energy stocks to suffer substantial losses. OPEC+ Demand Forecast Cut Hits Oil Market The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC+) delivered a blow to the oil market on Tuesday by revising its global oil demand forecast for 2024. According to its monthly report, OPEC cut
      Oil Prices Slide to Two-Year Lows Amid Weakened Demand Outlook and Supply Concerns
      Whole street is bearish. This should at least means downside is limited.
    • BarcodeBarcode
      🚀 Crude oil took a nap, but is it time to wake up? With supply flooding in and demand playing hide-and-seek, crude oil prices might need a shot of kopi-o! Is this the dip you’ve been waiting for, or are we about to slide further down the slippery oil slope? 🛢️💤


      小虎們大家好呀!在經歷過相對平淡的一週後,本週市場的消息將逐漸多了起來,包括美國8月CPI、PPI和初請失業金人數數據,以及特朗普和哈里斯首次電視對決,這些都將對美聯儲降息以及美國總統大選釋放一些蛛絲馬跡~~~[Evil]值得一提的是,油價又重回70關口以下,原油期貨後市是跌無可跌,還是牛市重現呢?[Look back]OPEC+改主意了?最近半個月,原油期貨市場不僅沒有守住80美元,還直接掉到70美元以下,到底發生了什麼事呢?[Gosh]當地時間8月27日,利比亞東南部兩個油田已經停止生產,並且有一個油田已經減產到最低水平。利比亞國民代表大會任命的政府總理烏薩馬·哈馬德於8月26日在政府社交媒體上發表聲明,宣佈政府控制下的所有油田和港口遭遇了不可抗力因素,暫停石油生產和出口。目的是為了迴應利比亞西部政府試圖接管利比亞央行而做出的。值得一提的是,利比亞央行是國際社會唯一認可的利比亞石油收入存放機構,和沙特等主要產油國一樣,石油的開採和出口也是利比亞重要的經濟來源。[Thinking]在8月26日之前,利比亞的石油日產量約為100萬桶,絕大部分來自東部地區,利比亞的石油日產量在一週時間就下降到45萬桶左右。圖源:RFI受到該消息的影響,布倫特原油期貨10月價格直接突破80美元關口,有分析師認為,利比亞暫停所有石油出口,將影響出口數量和輕質和重質原油價格的差異,但停止生產和出口的時間不會很長。據悉,有跡象表明,解決利比亞原油生產和出口停頓整段的協議正在接近達成協議。利比亞石油探明儲量佔OPEC已經探明原油總儲量的4%,根據OPEC統計數據,利比亞去年日生產119萬桶原油,日出口102萬桶,佔全球石油需求量的1%!根據OPEC+消息人士透露,由於油價跌至9個月以來的最低水平,OPEC+有意推遲10月的增產計劃,此前OPEC+準備在10月按計劃每日增產18萬桶,但是利比亞的時間讓原
    • BarcodeBarcode
      💼 OPEC: Oil’s ‘Ah Beng’ of the market — always showing up just when the party is over! Production cuts are their go-to move, but will it be enough to rescue this bearish market? Perhaps OPEC should take a page from Singapore’s efficiency playbook! 🚦💥


      小虎們大家好呀!在經歷過相對平淡的一週後,本週市場的消息將逐漸多了起來,包括美國8月CPI、PPI和初請失業金人數數據,以及特朗普和哈里斯首次電視對決,這些都將對美聯儲降息以及美國總統大選釋放一些蛛絲馬跡~~~[Evil]值得一提的是,油價又重回70關口以下,原油期貨後市是跌無可跌,還是牛市重現呢?[Look back]OPEC+改主意了?最近半個月,原油期貨市場不僅沒有守住80美元,還直接掉到70美元以下,到底發生了什麼事呢?[Gosh]當地時間8月27日,利比亞東南部兩個油田已經停止生產,並且有一個油田已經減產到最低水平。利比亞國民代表大會任命的政府總理烏薩馬·哈馬德於8月26日在政府社交媒體上發表聲明,宣佈政府控制下的所有油田和港口遭遇了不可抗力因素,暫停石油生產和出口。目的是為了迴應利比亞西部政府試圖接管利比亞央行而做出的。值得一提的是,利比亞央行是國際社會唯一認可的利比亞石油收入存放機構,和沙特等主要產油國一樣,石油的開採和出口也是利比亞重要的經濟來源。[Thinking]在8月26日之前,利比亞的石油日產量約為100萬桶,絕大部分來自東部地區,利比亞的石油日產量在一週時間就下降到45萬桶左右。圖源:RFI受到該消息的影響,布倫特原油期貨10月價格直接突破80美元關口,有分析師認為,利比亞暫停所有石油出口,將影響出口數量和輕質和重質原油價格的差異,但停止生產和出口的時間不會很長。據悉,有跡象表明,解決利比亞原油生產和出口停頓整段的協議正在接近達成協議。利比亞石油探明儲量佔OPEC已經探明原油總儲量的4%,根據OPEC統計數據,利比亞去年日生產119萬桶原油,日出口102萬桶,佔全球石油需求量的1%!根據OPEC+消息人士透露,由於油價跌至9個月以來的最低水平,OPEC+有意推遲10月的增產計劃,此前OPEC+準備在10月按計劃每日增產18萬桶,但是利比亞的時間讓原
    • koolgalkoolgal
      🌟🌟🌟Due to the Ukraine war, there is a current ban of Russian energy from the US and its allies.  $Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund(XLE)$  represents the best US oil giants that will stand to benefit from this.  The US has now become the largest liquidfied gas exporter in the world. Another important factor is the huge consumption of electricity required to run AI data centres.  While many US utilities companies benefit from this, it is the US energy companies that provide the power.  That is why I am Bullish on XLE  and believe it will continue to grow exponentially in the future.  @TigerStars  


      小虎們大家好呀!在經歷過相對平淡的一週後,本週市場的消息將逐漸多了起來,包括美國8月CPI、PPI和初請失業金人數數據,以及特朗普和哈里斯首次電視對決,這些都將對美聯儲降息以及美國總統大選釋放一些蛛絲馬跡~~~[Evil]值得一提的是,油價又重回70關口以下,原油期貨後市是跌無可跌,還是牛市重現呢?[Look back]OPEC+改主意了?最近半個月,原油期貨市場不僅沒有守住80美元,還直接掉到70美元以下,到底發生了什麼事呢?[Gosh]當地時間8月27日,利比亞東南部兩個油田已經停止生產,並且有一個油田已經減產到最低水平。利比亞國民代表大會任命的政府總理烏薩馬·哈馬德於8月26日在政府社交媒體上發表聲明,宣佈政府控制下的所有油田和港口遭遇了不可抗力因素,暫停石油生產和出口。目的是為了迴應利比亞西部政府試圖接管利比亞央行而做出的。值得一提的是,利比亞央行是國際社會唯一認可的利比亞石油收入存放機構,和沙特等主要產油國一樣,石油的開採和出口也是利比亞重要的經濟來源。[Thinking]在8月26日之前,利比亞的石油日產量約為100萬桶,絕大部分來自東部地區,利比亞的石油日產量在一週時間就下降到45萬桶左右。圖源:RFI受到該消息的影響,布倫特原油期貨10月價格直接突破80美元關口,有分析師認為,利比亞暫停所有石油出口,將影響出口數量和輕質和重質原油價格的差異,但停止生產和出口的時間不會很長。據悉,有跡象表明,解決利比亞原油生產和出口停頓整段的協議正在接近達成協議。利比亞石油探明儲量佔OPEC已經探明原油總儲量的4%,根據OPEC統計數據,利比亞去年日生產119萬桶原油,日出口102萬桶,佔全球石油需求量的1%!根據OPEC+消息人士透露,由於油價跌至9個月以來的最低水平,OPEC+有意推遲10月的增產計劃,此前OPEC+準備在10月按計劃每日增產18萬桶,但是利比亞的時間讓原
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Struggle Amid Demand Worries and Rising Supplies

      Overview Oil prices have recently experienced a significant decline, driven by concerns over weak demand from key markets like the U.S. and China, coupled with potential supply increases from Libya. Despite a substantial withdrawal from U.S. crude inventories and an OPEC+ decision to delay output increases, the market remains cautious. Brent crude and U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude closed at their lowest levels in over a year, reflecting the complex interplay of supply, demand, and economic factors. Demand Fears from the U.S. and China Weigh on Oil Prices The primary drivers behind the downward pressure on oil prices are concerns about demand, particularly from the U.S. and China. Both of these economies are key players in the global energy market, and any signs of slowing dema
      Oil Prices Struggle Amid Demand Worries and Rising Supplies
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Markets See Rollercoaster Amid Demand Concerns and Supply Uncertainty

      Overview: Brent crude oil prices slipped by $1 a barrel on Wednesday, signaling growing uncertainty in the market over near-term demand and supply dynamics. Pessimism surrounding the global economy and a potential surge in Libyan oil exports is exerting downward pressure on prices. However, OPEC+ discussions around delaying output increases could help stabilize the market in the short term. Demand Worries Send Oil Prices Lower Brent crude futures fell by $1.2% to $72.87 a barrel, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures dropped by $1.28% to $69.44. The drop was driven by concerns over a weaker global economy, as soft economic data from the U.S. and China sparked worries about future oil demand. China, the world's largest crude importer, reported a six-month low in manufactu
      Oil Markets See Rollercoaster Amid Demand Concerns and Supply Uncertainty
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Take a Dip as OPEC+ Signals Increased Output

      Overview As we move into September 2024, oil prices have faced downward pressure, largely driven by expectations that the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies (OPEC+) will increase oil production starting in October. The decline in prices is compounded by strong consumer spending data from the United States, which has dampened hopes for a significant interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve next month. As a result, both Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures have experienced notable declines, reflecting a complex interplay of supply and demand dynamics in the global oil market. OPEC+ Supply Increase and Market Impact OPEC+ Production Plans: OPEC+ has announced plans to gradually reduce production cuts starting in October, which has weighed heavil
      Oil Prices Take a Dip as OPEC+ Signals Increased Output
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Eye Surge Amid Supply Disruptions: Is a Rally on the Horizon?

      Overview Oil prices have surged by over a dollar per barrel, fueled by significant supply disruptions in Libya and upcoming production cuts in Iraq. These developments have reignited fears of tighter global supplies, pushing Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures to new heights. As geopolitical tensions and production strategies weigh heavily on the market, traders are left to question: Will oil prices continue their upward trajectory, or will other factors temper the surge? Supply Disruptions in Libya: A Ticking Time Bomb Libya, a nation often plagued by political instability, is once again at the center of global oil market concerns. On Thursday, more than half of Libya's oil production was shut down due to a standoff between rival political factions, leading to the closu
      Oil Prices Eye Surge Amid Supply Disruptions: Is a Rally on the Horizon?
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Under Pressure: Will the Decline Continue?

      Overview Oil prices have been under significant pressure recently, driven by a combination of factors including weaker-than-expected U.S. crude inventory data, ongoing concerns over Chinese demand, and persistent geopolitical risks in the Middle East and North Africa. Despite supply risks, particularly from Libya and potential escalation in the Israel-Gaza conflict, oil prices have seen a notable decline. The key question now is whether this downtrend will continue. Mixed Signals from U.S. Crude Inventories The latest data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) revealed a smaller-than-expected draw in U.S. crude inventories, with a reduction of just 846,000 barrels—well below analysts' expectations of a 2.3 million barrel draw. This muted drawdown comes despite a notable ri
      Oil Prices Under Pressure: Will the Decline Continue?
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Take a Breather: A 2% Decline Following a Three-Day Surge

      Overview: Oil prices saw a notable pullback on Tuesday, falling approximately 2%, as concerns over the potential slowdown in economic growth in the US and China raised doubts about future energy demand. This decline comes after a significant surge in prices over the previous three days, driven by supply concerns in Libya and heightened tensions in the Middle East. Price Movements: A Natural Correction Following a substantial three-day rally that saw prices rise by more than 7%, the oil market experienced a natural correction. Brent crude futures dropped by US$1.88 (2.3%) to settle at US$79.55 per barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude declined by US$1.89 (2.4%) to close at US$75.53 per barrel. Analysts from Ritterbusch and Associates noted that the price pullback, while sign
      Oil Prices Take a Breather: A 2% Decline Following a Three-Day Surge
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Recede After Three Days of Sharp Gains: A Mixed Outlook in ASEAN Markets

      Overview After a significant surge in oil prices over the past three sessions, driven by heightened geopolitical tensions and supply concerns, oil prices took a slight pause during Asian trading on Tuesday. Both Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures recorded minor declines, indicating a momentary pullback from the recent rally. However, the underlying factors—Middle East tensions and supply disruptions—continue to keep markets on edge. Geopolitical Tensions and Supply Disruptions Drive Recent Gains The recent surge in oil prices, where Brent crude saw an increase of 7% and WTI gained 7.6% over three sessions, was primarily driven by two key factors: escalating tensions in the Middle East and supply disruptions in Libya. The military clashes between Israel and Hezbollah hav
      Oil Prices Recede After Three Days of Sharp Gains: A Mixed Outlook in ASEAN Markets
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Surge Amid Middle East Tensions and Anticipated U.S. Rate Cuts

      Brief Overview: Oil prices have extended gains as geopolitical tensions in the Middle East intensify, raising concerns over potential disruptions to regional oil supplies. Additionally, the possibility of imminent U.S. interest rate cuts is boosting global economic sentiment and fuel demand expectations. This report delves into the key drivers behind the recent price movements and provides an outlook for the oil market in the coming weeks. Geopolitical Tensions Drive Oil Prices Higher Oil markets are closely monitoring developments in the Middle East as fears of a broader regional conflict escalate. Over the weekend, Hezbollah launched a significant attack on Israel, which retaliated with a pre-emptive strike on Lebanon. The escalation of hostilities raises concerns that the ongoing Gaza
      Oil Prices Surge Amid Middle East Tensions and Anticipated U.S. Rate Cuts
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices See Mixed Movements Amid Geopolitical Tensions and Supply Dynamics

      Overview Oil prices witnessed a slight decline on Wednesday, driven by unexpected growth in US crude inventories and eased concerns over a potential Middle East conflict that could disrupt global oil supplies. Despite recent price gains fueled by geopolitical tensions, the market has seen mixed signals as it balances supply concerns with economic indicators and inventory data. Inventory Data Weighs on Prices On Wednesday, US crude oil prices fell as inventory data revealed an unexpected build of 1.4 million barrels, against market expectations of a 2.2 million barrel decline. This marked the first increase in inventories after six consecutive weeks of draws. The unexpected rise in inventories contributed to the downward pressure on oil prices, as traders reassessed supply levels. Robert Y
      Oil Prices See Mixed Movements Amid Geopolitical Tensions and Supply Dynamics
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Surge Amid Hurricane-Driven Supply Disruptions: Temporary or Sustained?

      Overview Oil prices experienced a sharp rise on Thursday, climbing over 2% as Hurricane Francine led to significant production shutdowns in the Gulf of Mexico. However, despite this short-term disruption, concerns remain over weak global demand, particularly from China and the US, which have been weighing heavily on the market. This report delves into the impact of Hurricane Francine, ongoing concerns about demand, and what the future holds for oil prices. Impact of Hurricane Francine on Gulf Oil Production As Hurricane Francine tore through the oil-rich Gulf of Mexico, approximately 42% of the region’s oil output, or 730,000 barrels per day, was shut down. The resulting supply disruption caused both US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent crude prices to surge. WTI crude futures rose
      Oil Prices Surge Amid Hurricane-Driven Supply Disruptions: Temporary or Sustained?
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Hurricane Concerns Lift Oil Prices, But Weak Demand Limits Gains

      Overview Oil prices surged over 1% on Thursday as traders reacted to the disruptions caused by Hurricane Francine in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Brent crude rose by $1.01 to reach $71.62 per barrel, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude increased by $1 to $68.31. However, despite the supply concerns stemming from the hurricane, a dim demand outlook continues to weigh heavily on the market, capping the recent price gains. Hurricane Francine’s Impact on U.S. Oil Production Hurricane Francine's landfall in southern Louisiana has led to significant disruptions in U.S. offshore oil production. Nearly 39% of oil and almost half of natural gas production in the Gulf of Mexico was offline as operators evacuated 171 production platforms and three rigs. This region accounts for about 15% of U
      Hurricane Concerns Lift Oil Prices, But Weak Demand Limits Gains
    • BadarBadar
      This should be good 
    • Happiness.Happiness.
      $Occidental(OXY)$ Already bought  Will buy more if it goes lower 😇
    • IykykIykyk
      oil will go down make way for lower inflation
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Slide to Two-Year Lows Amid Weakened Demand Outlook and Supply Concerns

      Overview Global oil prices took a hit on Tuesday, with both Brent crude and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures plummeting to their lowest levels since 2021 and 2023, respectively. The sharp drop followed OPEC+ revising down its demand forecast for this year and 2025, overshadowing supply disruptions caused by Tropical Storm Francine. A combination of sluggish global economic growth, disappointing data from China, and oversupply concerns has caused significant downward pressure on prices, leading energy stocks to suffer substantial losses. OPEC+ Demand Forecast Cut Hits Oil Market The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC+) delivered a blow to the oil market on Tuesday by revising its global oil demand forecast for 2024. According to its monthly report, OPEC cut
      Oil Prices Slide to Two-Year Lows Amid Weakened Demand Outlook and Supply Concerns
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Struggle Amid Demand Worries and Rising Supplies

      Overview Oil prices have recently experienced a significant decline, driven by concerns over weak demand from key markets like the U.S. and China, coupled with potential supply increases from Libya. Despite a substantial withdrawal from U.S. crude inventories and an OPEC+ decision to delay output increases, the market remains cautious. Brent crude and U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude closed at their lowest levels in over a year, reflecting the complex interplay of supply, demand, and economic factors. Demand Fears from the U.S. and China Weigh on Oil Prices The primary drivers behind the downward pressure on oil prices are concerns about demand, particularly from the U.S. and China. Both of these economies are key players in the global energy market, and any signs of slowing dema
      Oil Prices Struggle Amid Demand Worries and Rising Supplies
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Markets See Rollercoaster Amid Demand Concerns and Supply Uncertainty

      Overview: Brent crude oil prices slipped by $1 a barrel on Wednesday, signaling growing uncertainty in the market over near-term demand and supply dynamics. Pessimism surrounding the global economy and a potential surge in Libyan oil exports is exerting downward pressure on prices. However, OPEC+ discussions around delaying output increases could help stabilize the market in the short term. Demand Worries Send Oil Prices Lower Brent crude futures fell by $1.2% to $72.87 a barrel, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures dropped by $1.28% to $69.44. The drop was driven by concerns over a weaker global economy, as soft economic data from the U.S. and China sparked worries about future oil demand. China, the world's largest crude importer, reported a six-month low in manufactu
      Oil Markets See Rollercoaster Amid Demand Concerns and Supply Uncertainty
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Take a Dip as OPEC+ Signals Increased Output

      Overview As we move into September 2024, oil prices have faced downward pressure, largely driven by expectations that the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies (OPEC+) will increase oil production starting in October. The decline in prices is compounded by strong consumer spending data from the United States, which has dampened hopes for a significant interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve next month. As a result, both Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures have experienced notable declines, reflecting a complex interplay of supply and demand dynamics in the global oil market. OPEC+ Supply Increase and Market Impact OPEC+ Production Plans: OPEC+ has announced plans to gradually reduce production cuts starting in October, which has weighed heavil
      Oil Prices Take a Dip as OPEC+ Signals Increased Output
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Eye Surge Amid Supply Disruptions: Is a Rally on the Horizon?

      Overview Oil prices have surged by over a dollar per barrel, fueled by significant supply disruptions in Libya and upcoming production cuts in Iraq. These developments have reignited fears of tighter global supplies, pushing Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures to new heights. As geopolitical tensions and production strategies weigh heavily on the market, traders are left to question: Will oil prices continue their upward trajectory, or will other factors temper the surge? Supply Disruptions in Libya: A Ticking Time Bomb Libya, a nation often plagued by political instability, is once again at the center of global oil market concerns. On Thursday, more than half of Libya's oil production was shut down due to a standoff between rival political factions, leading to the closu
      Oil Prices Eye Surge Amid Supply Disruptions: Is a Rally on the Horizon?
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Under Pressure: Will the Decline Continue?

      Overview Oil prices have been under significant pressure recently, driven by a combination of factors including weaker-than-expected U.S. crude inventory data, ongoing concerns over Chinese demand, and persistent geopolitical risks in the Middle East and North Africa. Despite supply risks, particularly from Libya and potential escalation in the Israel-Gaza conflict, oil prices have seen a notable decline. The key question now is whether this downtrend will continue. Mixed Signals from U.S. Crude Inventories The latest data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) revealed a smaller-than-expected draw in U.S. crude inventories, with a reduction of just 846,000 barrels—well below analysts' expectations of a 2.3 million barrel draw. This muted drawdown comes despite a notable ri
      Oil Prices Under Pressure: Will the Decline Continue?
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Take a Breather: A 2% Decline Following a Three-Day Surge

      Overview: Oil prices saw a notable pullback on Tuesday, falling approximately 2%, as concerns over the potential slowdown in economic growth in the US and China raised doubts about future energy demand. This decline comes after a significant surge in prices over the previous three days, driven by supply concerns in Libya and heightened tensions in the Middle East. Price Movements: A Natural Correction Following a substantial three-day rally that saw prices rise by more than 7%, the oil market experienced a natural correction. Brent crude futures dropped by US$1.88 (2.3%) to settle at US$79.55 per barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude declined by US$1.89 (2.4%) to close at US$75.53 per barrel. Analysts from Ritterbusch and Associates noted that the price pullback, while sign
      Oil Prices Take a Breather: A 2% Decline Following a Three-Day Surge
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Recede After Three Days of Sharp Gains: A Mixed Outlook in ASEAN Markets

      Overview After a significant surge in oil prices over the past three sessions, driven by heightened geopolitical tensions and supply concerns, oil prices took a slight pause during Asian trading on Tuesday. Both Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures recorded minor declines, indicating a momentary pullback from the recent rally. However, the underlying factors—Middle East tensions and supply disruptions—continue to keep markets on edge. Geopolitical Tensions and Supply Disruptions Drive Recent Gains The recent surge in oil prices, where Brent crude saw an increase of 7% and WTI gained 7.6% over three sessions, was primarily driven by two key factors: escalating tensions in the Middle East and supply disruptions in Libya. The military clashes between Israel and Hezbollah hav
      Oil Prices Recede After Three Days of Sharp Gains: A Mixed Outlook in ASEAN Markets
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices Surge Amid Middle East Tensions and Anticipated U.S. Rate Cuts

      Brief Overview: Oil prices have extended gains as geopolitical tensions in the Middle East intensify, raising concerns over potential disruptions to regional oil supplies. Additionally, the possibility of imminent U.S. interest rate cuts is boosting global economic sentiment and fuel demand expectations. This report delves into the key drivers behind the recent price movements and provides an outlook for the oil market in the coming weeks. Geopolitical Tensions Drive Oil Prices Higher Oil markets are closely monitoring developments in the Middle East as fears of a broader regional conflict escalate. Over the weekend, Hezbollah launched a significant attack on Israel, which retaliated with a pre-emptive strike on Lebanon. The escalation of hostilities raises concerns that the ongoing Gaza
      Oil Prices Surge Amid Middle East Tensions and Anticipated U.S. Rate Cuts
    • koolgalkoolgal
      🌟🌟🌟Due to the Ukraine war, there is a current ban of Russian energy from the US and its allies.  $Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund(XLE)$  represents the best US oil giants that will stand to benefit from this.  The US has now become the largest liquidfied gas exporter in the world. Another important factor is the huge consumption of electricity required to run AI data centres.  While many US utilities companies benefit from this, it is the US energy companies that provide the power.  That is why I am Bullish on XLE  and believe it will continue to grow exponentially in the future.  @TigerStars  


      小虎們大家好呀!在經歷過相對平淡的一週後,本週市場的消息將逐漸多了起來,包括美國8月CPI、PPI和初請失業金人數數據,以及特朗普和哈里斯首次電視對決,這些都將對美聯儲降息以及美國總統大選釋放一些蛛絲馬跡~~~[Evil]值得一提的是,油價又重回70關口以下,原油期貨後市是跌無可跌,還是牛市重現呢?[Look back]OPEC+改主意了?最近半個月,原油期貨市場不僅沒有守住80美元,還直接掉到70美元以下,到底發生了什麼事呢?[Gosh]當地時間8月27日,利比亞東南部兩個油田已經停止生產,並且有一個油田已經減產到最低水平。利比亞國民代表大會任命的政府總理烏薩馬·哈馬德於8月26日在政府社交媒體上發表聲明,宣佈政府控制下的所有油田和港口遭遇了不可抗力因素,暫停石油生產和出口。目的是為了迴應利比亞西部政府試圖接管利比亞央行而做出的。值得一提的是,利比亞央行是國際社會唯一認可的利比亞石油收入存放機構,和沙特等主要產油國一樣,石油的開採和出口也是利比亞重要的經濟來源。[Thinking]在8月26日之前,利比亞的石油日產量約為100萬桶,絕大部分來自東部地區,利比亞的石油日產量在一週時間就下降到45萬桶左右。圖源:RFI受到該消息的影響,布倫特原油期貨10月價格直接突破80美元關口,有分析師認為,利比亞暫停所有石油出口,將影響出口數量和輕質和重質原油價格的差異,但停止生產和出口的時間不會很長。據悉,有跡象表明,解決利比亞原油生產和出口停頓整段的協議正在接近達成協議。利比亞石油探明儲量佔OPEC已經探明原油總儲量的4%,根據OPEC統計數據,利比亞去年日生產119萬桶原油,日出口102萬桶,佔全球石油需求量的1%!根據OPEC+消息人士透露,由於油價跌至9個月以來的最低水平,OPEC+有意推遲10月的增產計劃,此前OPEC+準備在10月按計劃每日增產18萬桶,但是利比亞的時間讓原
    • BarcodeBarcode
      🚀 Crude oil took a nap, but is it time to wake up? With supply flooding in and demand playing hide-and-seek, crude oil prices might need a shot of kopi-o! Is this the dip you’ve been waiting for, or are we about to slide further down the slippery oil slope? 🛢️💤


      小虎們大家好呀!在經歷過相對平淡的一週後,本週市場的消息將逐漸多了起來,包括美國8月CPI、PPI和初請失業金人數數據,以及特朗普和哈里斯首次電視對決,這些都將對美聯儲降息以及美國總統大選釋放一些蛛絲馬跡~~~[Evil]值得一提的是,油價又重回70關口以下,原油期貨後市是跌無可跌,還是牛市重現呢?[Look back]OPEC+改主意了?最近半個月,原油期貨市場不僅沒有守住80美元,還直接掉到70美元以下,到底發生了什麼事呢?[Gosh]當地時間8月27日,利比亞東南部兩個油田已經停止生產,並且有一個油田已經減產到最低水平。利比亞國民代表大會任命的政府總理烏薩馬·哈馬德於8月26日在政府社交媒體上發表聲明,宣佈政府控制下的所有油田和港口遭遇了不可抗力因素,暫停石油生產和出口。目的是為了迴應利比亞西部政府試圖接管利比亞央行而做出的。值得一提的是,利比亞央行是國際社會唯一認可的利比亞石油收入存放機構,和沙特等主要產油國一樣,石油的開採和出口也是利比亞重要的經濟來源。[Thinking]在8月26日之前,利比亞的石油日產量約為100萬桶,絕大部分來自東部地區,利比亞的石油日產量在一週時間就下降到45萬桶左右。圖源:RFI受到該消息的影響,布倫特原油期貨10月價格直接突破80美元關口,有分析師認為,利比亞暫停所有石油出口,將影響出口數量和輕質和重質原油價格的差異,但停止生產和出口的時間不會很長。據悉,有跡象表明,解決利比亞原油生產和出口停頓整段的協議正在接近達成協議。利比亞石油探明儲量佔OPEC已經探明原油總儲量的4%,根據OPEC統計數據,利比亞去年日生產119萬桶原油,日出口102萬桶,佔全球石油需求量的1%!根據OPEC+消息人士透露,由於油價跌至9個月以來的最低水平,OPEC+有意推遲10月的增產計劃,此前OPEC+準備在10月按計劃每日增產18萬桶,但是利比亞的時間讓原
    • BarcodeBarcode
      💼 OPEC: Oil’s ‘Ah Beng’ of the market — always showing up just when the party is over! Production cuts are their go-to move, but will it be enough to rescue this bearish market? Perhaps OPEC should take a page from Singapore’s efficiency playbook! 🚦💥


      小虎們大家好呀!在經歷過相對平淡的一週後,本週市場的消息將逐漸多了起來,包括美國8月CPI、PPI和初請失業金人數數據,以及特朗普和哈里斯首次電視對決,這些都將對美聯儲降息以及美國總統大選釋放一些蛛絲馬跡~~~[Evil]值得一提的是,油價又重回70關口以下,原油期貨後市是跌無可跌,還是牛市重現呢?[Look back]OPEC+改主意了?最近半個月,原油期貨市場不僅沒有守住80美元,還直接掉到70美元以下,到底發生了什麼事呢?[Gosh]當地時間8月27日,利比亞東南部兩個油田已經停止生產,並且有一個油田已經減產到最低水平。利比亞國民代表大會任命的政府總理烏薩馬·哈馬德於8月26日在政府社交媒體上發表聲明,宣佈政府控制下的所有油田和港口遭遇了不可抗力因素,暫停石油生產和出口。目的是為了迴應利比亞西部政府試圖接管利比亞央行而做出的。值得一提的是,利比亞央行是國際社會唯一認可的利比亞石油收入存放機構,和沙特等主要產油國一樣,石油的開採和出口也是利比亞重要的經濟來源。[Thinking]在8月26日之前,利比亞的石油日產量約為100萬桶,絕大部分來自東部地區,利比亞的石油日產量在一週時間就下降到45萬桶左右。圖源:RFI受到該消息的影響,布倫特原油期貨10月價格直接突破80美元關口,有分析師認為,利比亞暫停所有石油出口,將影響出口數量和輕質和重質原油價格的差異,但停止生產和出口的時間不會很長。據悉,有跡象表明,解決利比亞原油生產和出口停頓整段的協議正在接近達成協議。利比亞石油探明儲量佔OPEC已經探明原油總儲量的4%,根據OPEC統計數據,利比亞去年日生產119萬桶原油,日出口102萬桶,佔全球石油需求量的1%!根據OPEC+消息人士透露,由於油價跌至9個月以來的最低水平,OPEC+有意推遲10月的增產計劃,此前OPEC+準備在10月按計劃每日增產18萬桶,但是利比亞的時間讓原
    • Tiger VTiger V

      Oil Prices See Mixed Movements Amid Geopolitical Tensions and Supply Dynamics

      Overview Oil prices witnessed a slight decline on Wednesday, driven by unexpected growth in US crude inventories and eased concerns over a potential Middle East conflict that could disrupt global oil supplies. Despite recent price gains fueled by geopolitical tensions, the market has seen mixed signals as it balances supply concerns with economic indicators and inventory data. Inventory Data Weighs on Prices On Wednesday, US crude oil prices fell as inventory data revealed an unexpected build of 1.4 million barrels, against market expectations of a 2.2 million barrel decline. This marked the first increase in inventories after six consecutive weeks of draws. The unexpected rise in inventories contributed to the downward pressure on oil prices, as traders reassessed supply levels. Robert Y
      Oil Prices See Mixed Movements Amid Geopolitical Tensions and Supply Dynamics
    • IykykIykyk
      Good for inflation data
      Whole street is bearish. This should at least means downside is limited.