• FrankieRedFrankieRed
      I would like to share my option trade ideas. Stock Screener The first step is to use the Stock Screener to find companies with good option volume and upcoming earnings. Here a good scan that you might like to use: Total Options Volums greater than 5,000 Market Cap greater than 40 billion Latest Earnings Date This will give us companies with earnings releases this week that have good option volume. Trading stocks with good option volume is important because it will mean it is easier to get filled on trades and the bid-ask spread is likely to be lower. The above screener gives us these results: Now we can pick the company or companies we want to trade and decide on a strategy. Lets look at a couple of examples. GE Bear Call Spread Let's start with General Electric (GE) and run that through t
    • JacksNifflerJacksNiffler

      Keep the Macy's, Take the Juicy!

      Macy's (M) rejected a $21 per share acquisition offer from private equity firms Arkhouse Management and Brigade Capital Management. In fact, this news should have leaked to some extent last week, as M's stock price dropped abnormally last week and performed significantly worse than its peers after the privatization offer was announced.This is very unusual.Generally, when there are acquisition or privatization offers, the stock price will be restricted. So, after the formal rejection by Macy's shareholders, the stock price actually rose. It looks like it will rise further.Arkhouse and Brigade had previously threatened to directly approach shareholders with the acquisition of the chain store and stated that they were highly motivated to complete the acquisition of Macy's and were prepared to
      Keep the Macy's, Take the Juicy!
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: ENPH, SQ, SOFI, TSLA, BABA, WDAY& SPY

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you! 1.Remember, market is closed on Monday Dec. 25th. We're targeting these Dec 29 exp options to sell tomorrow since Monday is a holiday and its a shortened trading week. - $Enphase Energy(ENPH)$ strike in 117-122 range - cash secured put - there is volume support around 123 - $Block(SQ)$ strike in 65-70 range - cash secured put - there is volume support around 65 - $SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$ 10 - covered call - $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ 280 - covered call - $Alibaba(BABA)$ 84 - covered call -
      Option Strategies: ENPH, SQ, SOFI, TSLA, BABA, WDAY& SPY
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: MU, FDX, ACN& .SPX

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you!1.Sold-to-open $S&P 500(.SPX)$ Dec 19 4740/4735 put credit spread. Will scale into more contracts if we get a nice drop. SPX continues to grind higher on the 1m/3m/5m timeframes. Image2.Gonna let this optionselling trade on $Accenture PLC(ACN)$ expire worthless for max profit. The Iron Condor was the perfect trade for this earnings set-up considering expected move and IV was pegged to be low.3.Executed the optionselling Iron Condor trade on $FedEx(FDX)$ . Wanted a 0.73 fill on the trade, but had to settle for 0.71. Let's see how this plays out. Trying out something new that we typically don't
      Option Strategies: MU, FDX, ACN& .SPX
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: FDX, ACN& .SPX

      Hello everyone! Today i WANT to share some option strategies with u!1.Contemplating taking another optionselling trade on $S&P 500(.SPX)$ . the Dec 18 expiration 4725/4720 put credit spread. This would be a bet on SPX not coming back to where it opened at today based on its currently bullish price action. Will post confirmation if we take the trade.2.Earnings trade idea on $Accenture PLC(ACN)$ Earnings Release: Dec 19 before market open Expected Move: ~4% for Dec 22 weekly close Entry: Sell-to-open an Iron Condor at the Dec 22 expiration and targeting put strikes around 310 and call strikes around 375. These strikes are 2X outside the expected move range. There is volume node support around 310 and 277
      Option Strategies: FDX, ACN& .SPX
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: ORCL& MDB

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option stratgies with you!1.Sold $MongoDB Inc.(MDB)$ put credit spread as well. Went with the Dec 22 exp 350/345 strikes. Won't be able to monitor closely this week, so went out until next week to be "safer".Image2. $Oracle(ORCL)$ missed on earnings and the stock dropped. Gonna look for an opportunity tomorrow morning to sell a put credit spread targeting strikes in the 90s.Follow me to learn more about analysis!!https://twitter.com/Selling4Premium
      Option Strategies: ORCL& MDB
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: ADBE, ORCL, MDB, INTC, GTLB, TSLA& SOFI

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some technical analysis with you! 1.Got the following optionselling trades expiring today. Most likely will let them expire worthless. Might close out the MDB 370p trade at 0.01 just to be safe. - $MongoDB Inc.(MDB)$ 335/325 and 370/365 put credit spreads - $Intel(INTC)$ Iron Condor - 500/495 put credit spread & 620/625 call credit spread - $GitLab, Inc.(GTLB)$ 49.5/46 put credit spread - $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ 255 calls - $SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$ 9 callsImageImageImage2.Earnings trade idea on $O
      Option Strategies: ADBE, ORCL, MDB, INTC, GTLB, TSLA& SOFI
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: .SPX

      Hello everyone! Today I will share some option strategies with you! Good luck to anyone and everyone trading $Broadcom(AVGO)$ $Lululemon Athletica(LULU)$ $Restoration Hardware(RH)$ $Docusign(DOCU)$ for earnings today. Would have preferred to be on the battlefield with ya'll as well as traded $S&P 500(.SPX)$ this morning, but been pre-occupied with work and other things since 5am pst. Will sneak in a trade if possible, but most likely just gonna cheer everyone on from the sidelines today! Follow me to learn more about analysis!!https://twitter.com/Selling4Premium
      Option Strategies: .SPX
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: VEEV, DOCU, .SPX, GME& CHWY

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you!1.Took the SPX Dec 6 4590/4595 CCS trade earlier this morning. Just now able to post screenshot.Image2.Implied volatility on $Chewy, Inc.(CHWY)$ and $GameStop(GME)$ is so high ... so tempted to take an optionselling earnings trade here to capture some of that volatility premium. But very high risk if we don't call the move correctly.3.Earnings trade idea on $Veeva(VEEV)$ Earnings Release: Dec 6th after market close Expected Move: ~7% for Dec 15 weekly close Entry: Sell-to-open puts on the Dec 15 exp 150/145 put credit spread. Strong volume support at 165. The 150 level is a longer-term bottom le
      Option Strategies: VEEV, DOCU, .SPX, GME& CHWY
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: GME, MDB& POWL

      Hello everyone! Today i will share some option strategies with you! 1.And this is why we love the #Optionselling community on here! $Powell(POWL)$ wasn't even on our radar as an earnings-play trade for today. Might play this both pre- and post- earnings. Gap around the 60 level and volume support as well. Looking to sell the Dec 15 exp 60/55 or 55/50 put credit spread. Expected move is big at ~15%. 2X the move from underlying's current price (as of this post) would be around 62 (right around the gap and volume support).Image2. $MongoDB Inc.(MDB)$ had solid earnings results and guidance. Seems like the AH price action is simply profit-taking. Will be looking to roll up the strikes on our Dec 8 335/325 put c
      Option Strategies: GME, MDB& POWL
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: .SPX, MANU, BITO, GTLB& HUT

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you!1.Shoot … should’ve sold puts on $ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF(BITO)$ on Friday. on a pump tonight! $Hut 8 Mining Corp(HUT)$ reverse-splitting tomorrow … coupled with bitcoin pump … hopefully we see $20+ tomorrow. Will exit out of shares and take profit if that happens … and let ITM $3 puts continue to run. Sidenote: weak-ass dividend on BITO considering bitcoin is above 40K.2.Earnings trade idea on $GitLab, Inc.(GTLB)$ Earnings Release: Dec 4th after market close Expected Move: 12.5% for Dec 8 weekly close / IV is high on this move Entry: Sell-to-open puts on the Dec 15 exp, strike in the 35
      Option Strategies: .SPX, MANU, BITO, GTLB& HUT
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: SNOW& .SPX

      Hello everyone! Today I will share some option strategies with you! 1.Our optionselling recap for the week ended Dec 1. Didn't take a lot of 0DTE or earnings trades or trades expiring this week. Instead, closed out several swing plays. Net premium booked as profit = $10,351.32 (does not include positions that expired today, so profit will probs be closer to 12K when accounts update on Tuesday) Tickers traded (including expired positions): $Autodesk(ADSK)$ $Alibaba(BABA)$ $CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc.(CRWD)$ $Datadog(DDOG)$ $John Deere(DE)$ $Hut
      Option Strategies: SNOW& .SPX
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: CRM, SNOW& ULTA

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you!1.Took an optionselling trade on $Salesforce.com(CRM)$ . Sold the Dec 15 exp 200/195 put credit spread.Image2.Opened up another optionselling trade on $Snowflake(SNOW)$ . Sold the Dec 8 exp 140/135 put credit spread.Image3.Thinking of optionselling a put credit spread on $Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance(ULTA)$ for tomorrow's earnings play. Expected move pegged at 5.5%. IV over 100%. - STO Dec 1 exp 355/350 strikes - Position the PCS around 3X the expected move - Volume support around the 380 level - Could sell a higher strike spread to pick up more premium ... contemplating it.ImageImage4.O
      Option Strategies: CRM, SNOW& ULTA
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: INTU, ZS& CRWD

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you!1.Well ... based on the price action in AH for earnings today and assuming that holds up into PM and RTH tomorrow ... the Iron Condor was the perfect trade for this optionselling play on $Intuit(INTU)$ . Ugh ... should have taken more aggressive strikes and sold more contracts. Oh well ... can't be mad with making money.Image2. $Zscaler Inc.(ZS)$ basically told us all what $CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc.(CRWD)$ would do today for earnings.Follow me to learn more about analysis!https://twitter.com/Selling4Premium
      Option Strategies: INTU, ZS& CRWD
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: ZS, PDD, INTU, SNOW& DE

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you! 1.Closed our $John Deere(DE)$ put credit spread position. DE is trending in the wrong direction. We could have held for a lower buyback price or possibly expiration, but we want to free up the buying power for this week's earnings plays.Image2.Decided to close out our $Snowflake(SNOW)$ 170p swing position today instead of waiting until Wednesday. SNOW could continue continue moving up (who knows), but we're gonna take the trade off the table and capture profit today. Booked close to $6K in profit. Good way to start the week. Will initiate a new optionselling put position on it on Wednesday.ImageImage3.Earnings trade idea on
      Option Strategies: ZS, PDD, INTU, SNOW& DE
    • JacksNifflerJacksNiffler

      Unusual Option Talks? Who's gonna volatile?

      Most of the earnings season has passed, and the $S&P 500(.SPX)$ is also at a relatively high level, indicating that there may be some divergences at the moment.Divergence implies that it is difficult to form a one-sided market. There may be a tendency for consolidation before one side gains an advantage. From some unusual options movements on November 27th, we can identify some stocks that may experience volatility. $Charles Schwab(SCHW)$ has been closely observed by the market regarding its liquidity after the Silicon Valley Bank incident. Its two recent earnings reports had both positive and negative aspects, and it has been consolidating throughout November without any upward or downward momentum.
      Unusual Option Talks? Who's gonna volatile?
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: CRM, PATH, SNOW& PDD

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you! 1. $UiPath(PATH)$ - Expected move is ~10%. Looking to sell puts at the 14 strike. Expiration date tbd, but will most likely have to go out to mid or late Dec to get decent premium. We weren't able to get assigned shares during the last earnings release. Will try again.ImageImage2. $Salesforce.com(CRM)$ - Expected move is ~5%. Targeting the 195/190 put spread or 190 naked put to sell. Expiration date tbd, but probs targeting Dec 8 or 15 for better premium. Primarily playing this for premium capture, but willing to accept assignment at 190 if we sell naked.ImageImage3.Earnings trade idea on $Snowflak
      Option Strategies: CRM, PATH, SNOW& PDD
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: .SPX& ADSK

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option stratgies with you!1.Flat day on $S&P 500(.SPX)$ today? 4535/4530 put credit spread looks tempting.For example: Took a trade on $S&P 500(.SPX)$ and sold the Nov 22 exp 4535/4530 put credit spread. Wasn't able to post a screenshot of the trade when we executed it since we've been running around this morning doing pre-Thanksgiving errands. Anyways, knowing that we couldn't monitor closely but having a thesis that SPX was gonna trade flat for today and the theta burn should benefit our position, set a "buy-to-close" limit order at 0.05 to close out the trade since you never know what could happen in the last hour to minutes of the trading day (as in t
      Option Strategies: .SPX& ADSK
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: .SPX, DE, DIS, BABA& NVDA

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you!1.In our long-term account, moved up the $Walt Disney(DIS)$ Dec 15 puts 75 strike to same expiration 85 strike to squeeze out additional premium. Several gaps on DIS. Looks like its starting to top off. Would like to see it hold above 90 on a downtrend.ImageImage2. $John Deere(DE)$ looks interesting for an Iron Condor optionselling trade to play it for earnings tomorrow. Looking at an Iron Condor, 5-wide spread, targeting high-probability of winning trade, and going with 345/340 on the put side and 435/440 or 440/445 on the call side. Dec 1 expiration. Could go with strikes closer inwards toward underlying's price for more premium, but gon
      Option Strategies: .SPX, DE, DIS, BABA& NVDA
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: ZM, LOW& ADSK

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Done with work meetings. Gonna place the ZM and LOW optionselling trades (mentioned over the weekend) before I leave for lunch with my co-workers. - $Zoom(ZM)$ Iron Condor Dec 15 exp 55/50 put credit spread and 75/80 (or 80/85) call credit spread - $Lowe's(LOW)$ Dec 15 exp 185/180 put credit spread2.Earnings trade idea on $Autodesk(ADSK)$ Earnings Release: Nov 21st after market close Expected Move: ~6% for Nov 24 weekly close Entry: Sell a put credit spread - Dec 15 expiration - 5 wide spread - sell the 190 and buy the 185 strikes We picked the 190/185 strikes since that positions us 2X the expe
      Option Strategies: ZM, LOW& ADSK
    • FrankieRedFrankieRed
      I would like to share my option trade ideas. Stock Screener The first step is to use the Stock Screener to find companies with good option volume and upcoming earnings. Here a good scan that you might like to use: Total Options Volums greater than 5,000 Market Cap greater than 40 billion Latest Earnings Date This will give us companies with earnings releases this week that have good option volume. Trading stocks with good option volume is important because it will mean it is easier to get filled on trades and the bid-ask spread is likely to be lower. The above screener gives us these results: Now we can pick the company or companies we want to trade and decide on a strategy. Lets look at a couple of examples. GE Bear Call Spread Let's start with General Electric (GE) and run that through t
    • JacksNifflerJacksNiffler

      Keep the Macy's, Take the Juicy!

      Macy's (M) rejected a $21 per share acquisition offer from private equity firms Arkhouse Management and Brigade Capital Management. In fact, this news should have leaked to some extent last week, as M's stock price dropped abnormally last week and performed significantly worse than its peers after the privatization offer was announced.This is very unusual.Generally, when there are acquisition or privatization offers, the stock price will be restricted. So, after the formal rejection by Macy's shareholders, the stock price actually rose. It looks like it will rise further.Arkhouse and Brigade had previously threatened to directly approach shareholders with the acquisition of the chain store and stated that they were highly motivated to complete the acquisition of Macy's and were prepared to
      Keep the Macy's, Take the Juicy!
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: ENPH, SQ, SOFI, TSLA, BABA, WDAY& SPY

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you! 1.Remember, market is closed on Monday Dec. 25th. We're targeting these Dec 29 exp options to sell tomorrow since Monday is a holiday and its a shortened trading week. - $Enphase Energy(ENPH)$ strike in 117-122 range - cash secured put - there is volume support around 123 - $Block(SQ)$ strike in 65-70 range - cash secured put - there is volume support around 65 - $SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$ 10 - covered call - $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ 280 - covered call - $Alibaba(BABA)$ 84 - covered call -
      Option Strategies: ENPH, SQ, SOFI, TSLA, BABA, WDAY& SPY
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: FDX, ACN& .SPX

      Hello everyone! Today i WANT to share some option strategies with u!1.Contemplating taking another optionselling trade on $S&P 500(.SPX)$ . the Dec 18 expiration 4725/4720 put credit spread. This would be a bet on SPX not coming back to where it opened at today based on its currently bullish price action. Will post confirmation if we take the trade.2.Earnings trade idea on $Accenture PLC(ACN)$ Earnings Release: Dec 19 before market open Expected Move: ~4% for Dec 22 weekly close Entry: Sell-to-open an Iron Condor at the Dec 22 expiration and targeting put strikes around 310 and call strikes around 375. These strikes are 2X outside the expected move range. There is volume node support around 310 and 277
      Option Strategies: FDX, ACN& .SPX
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: ADBE, ORCL, MDB, INTC, GTLB, TSLA& SOFI

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some technical analysis with you! 1.Got the following optionselling trades expiring today. Most likely will let them expire worthless. Might close out the MDB 370p trade at 0.01 just to be safe. - $MongoDB Inc.(MDB)$ 335/325 and 370/365 put credit spreads - $Intel(INTC)$ Iron Condor - 500/495 put credit spread & 620/625 call credit spread - $GitLab, Inc.(GTLB)$ 49.5/46 put credit spread - $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ 255 calls - $SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$ 9 callsImageImageImage2.Earnings trade idea on $O
      Option Strategies: ADBE, ORCL, MDB, INTC, GTLB, TSLA& SOFI
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: SNOW& .SPX

      Hello everyone! Today I will share some option strategies with you! 1.Our optionselling recap for the week ended Dec 1. Didn't take a lot of 0DTE or earnings trades or trades expiring this week. Instead, closed out several swing plays. Net premium booked as profit = $10,351.32 (does not include positions that expired today, so profit will probs be closer to 12K when accounts update on Tuesday) Tickers traded (including expired positions): $Autodesk(ADSK)$ $Alibaba(BABA)$ $CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc.(CRWD)$ $Datadog(DDOG)$ $John Deere(DE)$ $Hut
      Option Strategies: SNOW& .SPX
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: GME, MDB& POWL

      Hello everyone! Today i will share some option strategies with you! 1.And this is why we love the #Optionselling community on here! $Powell(POWL)$ wasn't even on our radar as an earnings-play trade for today. Might play this both pre- and post- earnings. Gap around the 60 level and volume support as well. Looking to sell the Dec 15 exp 60/55 or 55/50 put credit spread. Expected move is big at ~15%. 2X the move from underlying's current price (as of this post) would be around 62 (right around the gap and volume support).Image2. $MongoDB Inc.(MDB)$ had solid earnings results and guidance. Seems like the AH price action is simply profit-taking. Will be looking to roll up the strikes on our Dec 8 335/325 put c
      Option Strategies: GME, MDB& POWL
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: CRM, PATH, SNOW& PDD

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you! 1. $UiPath(PATH)$ - Expected move is ~10%. Looking to sell puts at the 14 strike. Expiration date tbd, but will most likely have to go out to mid or late Dec to get decent premium. We weren't able to get assigned shares during the last earnings release. Will try again.ImageImage2. $Salesforce.com(CRM)$ - Expected move is ~5%. Targeting the 195/190 put spread or 190 naked put to sell. Expiration date tbd, but probs targeting Dec 8 or 15 for better premium. Primarily playing this for premium capture, but willing to accept assignment at 190 if we sell naked.ImageImage3.Earnings trade idea on $Snowflak
      Option Strategies: CRM, PATH, SNOW& PDD
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: .SPX, MANU, BITO, GTLB& HUT

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you!1.Shoot … should’ve sold puts on $ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF(BITO)$ on Friday. on a pump tonight! $Hut 8 Mining Corp(HUT)$ reverse-splitting tomorrow … coupled with bitcoin pump … hopefully we see $20+ tomorrow. Will exit out of shares and take profit if that happens … and let ITM $3 puts continue to run. Sidenote: weak-ass dividend on BITO considering bitcoin is above 40K.2.Earnings trade idea on $GitLab, Inc.(GTLB)$ Earnings Release: Dec 4th after market close Expected Move: 12.5% for Dec 8 weekly close / IV is high on this move Entry: Sell-to-open puts on the Dec 15 exp, strike in the 35
      Option Strategies: .SPX, MANU, BITO, GTLB& HUT
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: MU, FDX, ACN& .SPX

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you!1.Sold-to-open $S&P 500(.SPX)$ Dec 19 4740/4735 put credit spread. Will scale into more contracts if we get a nice drop. SPX continues to grind higher on the 1m/3m/5m timeframes. Image2.Gonna let this optionselling trade on $Accenture PLC(ACN)$ expire worthless for max profit. The Iron Condor was the perfect trade for this earnings set-up considering expected move and IV was pegged to be low.3.Executed the optionselling Iron Condor trade on $FedEx(FDX)$ . Wanted a 0.73 fill on the trade, but had to settle for 0.71. Let's see how this plays out. Trying out something new that we typically don't
      Option Strategies: MU, FDX, ACN& .SPX
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: .SPX, DE, DIS, BABA& NVDA

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you!1.In our long-term account, moved up the $Walt Disney(DIS)$ Dec 15 puts 75 strike to same expiration 85 strike to squeeze out additional premium. Several gaps on DIS. Looks like its starting to top off. Would like to see it hold above 90 on a downtrend.ImageImage2. $John Deere(DE)$ looks interesting for an Iron Condor optionselling trade to play it for earnings tomorrow. Looking at an Iron Condor, 5-wide spread, targeting high-probability of winning trade, and going with 345/340 on the put side and 435/440 or 440/445 on the call side. Dec 1 expiration. Could go with strikes closer inwards toward underlying's price for more premium, but gon
      Option Strategies: .SPX, DE, DIS, BABA& NVDA
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: VEEV, DOCU, .SPX, GME& CHWY

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you!1.Took the SPX Dec 6 4590/4595 CCS trade earlier this morning. Just now able to post screenshot.Image2.Implied volatility on $Chewy, Inc.(CHWY)$ and $GameStop(GME)$ is so high ... so tempted to take an optionselling earnings trade here to capture some of that volatility premium. But very high risk if we don't call the move correctly.3.Earnings trade idea on $Veeva(VEEV)$ Earnings Release: Dec 6th after market close Expected Move: ~7% for Dec 15 weekly close Entry: Sell-to-open puts on the Dec 15 exp 150/145 put credit spread. Strong volume support at 165. The 150 level is a longer-term bottom le
      Option Strategies: VEEV, DOCU, .SPX, GME& CHWY
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: ZS, PDD, INTU, SNOW& DE

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you! 1.Closed our $John Deere(DE)$ put credit spread position. DE is trending in the wrong direction. We could have held for a lower buyback price or possibly expiration, but we want to free up the buying power for this week's earnings plays.Image2.Decided to close out our $Snowflake(SNOW)$ 170p swing position today instead of waiting until Wednesday. SNOW could continue continue moving up (who knows), but we're gonna take the trade off the table and capture profit today. Booked close to $6K in profit. Good way to start the week. Will initiate a new optionselling put position on it on Wednesday.ImageImage3.Earnings trade idea on
      Option Strategies: ZS, PDD, INTU, SNOW& DE
    • JacksNifflerJacksNiffler

      Unusual Option Talks? Who's gonna volatile?

      Most of the earnings season has passed, and the $S&P 500(.SPX)$ is also at a relatively high level, indicating that there may be some divergences at the moment.Divergence implies that it is difficult to form a one-sided market. There may be a tendency for consolidation before one side gains an advantage. From some unusual options movements on November 27th, we can identify some stocks that may experience volatility. $Charles Schwab(SCHW)$ has been closely observed by the market regarding its liquidity after the Silicon Valley Bank incident. Its two recent earnings reports had both positive and negative aspects, and it has been consolidating throughout November without any upward or downward momentum.
      Unusual Option Talks? Who's gonna volatile?
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: MNDY, SQ, PLTR& DDOG

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you!1.Just doing some maintenance optionselling trades today (rolling and swapping a few positions). Took a trade on $Block(SQ)$ that might be interesting to some folks who follow it. Will post that trade soon. Closed out the following trades: - $Twilio(TWLO)$ Dec 15 45/35 put credit spread for profit - $Datadog(DDOG)$ Dec 15 70/60 put credit spread for profit - $Datadog(DDOG)$ Dec 15 115p for profit - $Datadog(DDOG)$ Nov 10 102c rolled to Dec 15 110c and closed out 110c today for a slight loss, but then swapped it
      Option Strategies: MNDY, SQ, PLTR& DDOG
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: .SPX& ADSK

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option stratgies with you!1.Flat day on $S&P 500(.SPX)$ today? 4535/4530 put credit spread looks tempting.For example: Took a trade on $S&P 500(.SPX)$ and sold the Nov 22 exp 4535/4530 put credit spread. Wasn't able to post a screenshot of the trade when we executed it since we've been running around this morning doing pre-Thanksgiving errands. Anyways, knowing that we couldn't monitor closely but having a thesis that SPX was gonna trade flat for today and the theta burn should benefit our position, set a "buy-to-close" limit order at 0.05 to close out the trade since you never know what could happen in the last hour to minutes of the trading day (as in t
      Option Strategies: .SPX& ADSK
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: PANW& AMAT

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you!1.Locked in the profit from this $Palo Alto Networks(PANW)$ 175p optionselling trade yesterday. Gonna let the 185p ride for now. Sold (or you could say essentially "rolled") a new trade on PANW - Nov 17 exp 220 strike puts.Image2.Earnings trade idea on $Applied Materials(AMAT)$ Earnings Release: Nov 16th after market close Expected Move: 3.4% for Nov 17 exp and 6.3% for Dec 15 exp (although, we don't put too much belief into the Dec 15 exp because a lot can happen between now and then) Entry: AMAT has had a very strong and steep run-up heading into earnings today. And the price is trading not too far from its all-time high in the mid-16
      Option Strategies: PANW& AMAT
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: CRM, SNOW& ULTA

      Hello everyone! Today I want to share some option strategies with you!1.Took an optionselling trade on $Salesforce.com(CRM)$ . Sold the Dec 15 exp 200/195 put credit spread.Image2.Opened up another optionselling trade on $Snowflake(SNOW)$ . Sold the Dec 8 exp 140/135 put credit spread.Image3.Thinking of optionselling a put credit spread on $Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance(ULTA)$ for tomorrow's earnings play. Expected move pegged at 5.5%. IV over 100%. - STO Dec 1 exp 355/350 strikes - Position the PCS around 3X the expected move - Volume support around the 380 level - Could sell a higher strike spread to pick up more premium ... contemplating it.ImageImage4.O
      Option Strategies: CRM, SNOW& ULTA
    • OptionsBBOptionsBB

      Options Spy: Selling call orders shows a short-term top signal for Amazon

      The iPhone 15 series hot sales, Apple inspired large technology stocks higher, technology, energy stocks rose to offset the weakness of Tesla led by the consumer discretionary stocks, the main index of the US stock market on Monday (18) was almost flat.With the clock ticking down to the Fed's September meeting and U.S. bond rates retreating from recent highs, many expect the central bank to stay on hold. In addition, the Fed will provide new forecasts for the economic outlook, including inflation and unemployment, and forward guidance on the outlook for interest rates.The Fed has previously projected that rates could peak in a range of 5.50 percent to 5.75 percent, meaning another rate hike is still possible, but recent signs of slowing inflation have raised hopes that the central bank may
      Options Spy: Selling call orders shows a short-term top signal for Amazon
    • OptionsTutorOptionsTutor

      [Options Strategy] Two tips apply to FOMC trading

      The U.S. Federal Reserve kicks off a two-day policy meeting on Tuesday with officials widely expected to keep interest rates on hold for now, but also flagging in new economic projections whether they feel rates still need to rise further before the end of the year.A new policy statement and interest rate decision will be released at 2 p.m. EDT (1800 GMT) on Wednesday, with Fed Chair Jerome Powell scheduled to hold a press conference at 2:30 p.m. to elaborate.As of today, it appears that market expectations for this meeting are minimal. In fact, Fed funds futures point to a 0.8% probability, equating to no rate hike this week. The chances of a rate hike at the upcoming meeting are also slim, with the probability of a 25 basis point hike in November now at 32 percent and a December rate hik
      [Options Strategy] Two tips apply to FOMC trading