
    • gthum2005gthum2005

      Financial Terminology 100 | Taking investing tips one day at a time

      Hello, tigers!Today, I will bring you a new knowledge learning module: Financial Terminology 100!In investing, the masters often emphasize the importance of learning financial knowledge. As Warren Buffett once said, "The best investment asset is your own wisdom."Learning financial terminology is like building your own treasure trove of financial vocabulary, allowing you to navigate the investment stage with ease, discern market trends, and seize investment opportunities.In Financial Terminology 100, I will compile the top 100 most frequent and important financial terms in the market for you to learn. These 100 financial terms will be divided into 5 sessions, with 20 terms presented in each session.Currently, in the first session of Financial Terminology, we have:Some of you may think that
      Financial Terminology 100 | Taking investing tips one day at a time
    • gthum2005gthum2005


      $海底撈(06862)$ 前言: 海底撈 是一家中國火鍋餐廳連鎖品牌,成立於1994年,總部位於中國重慶。海底撈以其優質的服務和產品質量而聞名,其火鍋底料和調料、食材等都嚴格把關,使得其產品品質一直處於行業領先地位。此外,海底撈還引入了“科技+餐飲”模式,通過數字化技術提升服務效率和用戶體驗。公司目前在中國、新加坡、韓國、日本、澳大利亞、美國、加拿大、英國等多個國家和地區開設了分店,是中國餐飲業知名品牌之一。 海底撈的創始人張勇曾獲得“全國三八紅旗手”、“全國五一勞動獎章”等多項榮譽,其管理理念和服務理念也爲國內外餐飲業所津津樂道。同時,海底撈也積極履行社會責任,關注環保、公益慈善等方面,多次捐助資金和物資,參與社會公益活動。 公司戰略:海底撈作爲一家快速擴張的餐飲企業,需要大量的資金來支持其業務拓展和品牌推廣。選擇在香港上市,可以爲公司提供更多的資本支持,幫助公司實現戰略目標。 所以,海底撈股價走勢將公司戰略體現得淋漓盡致。 那麼,股價高峯已過,低谷也過了,現在適合佈局了嗎? 正文: (一)2022財年營收同比下降20.61% 但淨利潤爲13.73億,同比增加133% (二)2022年扭轉虧損 每股收益0.25元 (三)近些年資產負債率仍較高 (四)目前估值相對合理 (五)同業比較排名靠前 總結: 疫情後,實體店復甦尚需時日。海底撈暫無明顯亮點。 如考慮投資,應注意以下風險: 1,資產負債率高達65.22%,企業償付長期債務壓力大; 2,近年該股未實施現金分紅,一毛不拔。
    • gthum2005gthum2005

      Preview of the week starting 17 April 2023 - Tesla's Q1/2023 earnings is coming

      Public Holidays Nil Economic Calendar (17 Apr 2023) This was the update from the week ending 14 Apr 2023: The biggest good news is CPI dropped YoY from 6.0% previous month to 5.0% (much lesser than the 5.2% estimate) PPI came out to be -0.5% compared to 0.1%. This is the inflation that hits producers first (before being passed downstream to the consumers seen in CPI). This implies that there is a chance for some components of CPI to be lowered in the coming update. Crude Oil Inventories ended with an excess of 0.597M compared to an expected drawdown of 0.583M. This implies that the demand looks to be weaker than expected. Initial Jobless Claims came out higher (239K compared to the expected 232K). There is more unemployment than expected. Retail Sales came out to be more disappointing tha
      Preview of the week starting 17 April 2023 - Tesla's Q1/2023 earnings is coming
    • gthum2005gthum2005
    • gthum2005gthum2005
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      1Y Anniversary of Rate Hike - When Will Fed Stop and Pivot?

      It was a year ago this month that the Fed launched its rate hike to combat inflation.At first, policymakers only take 25 basis points to tackle price surges. Subsequent months saw much larger hikes, enough to raise the Fed’s benchmark borrowing rate by 4.5 percentage points to its highest level since 2007.At this 1 year anniversary, we can review these questions:what's the end of the rate hike cycle?when will Fed stop rate hikes and turn to rate cuts?what's the target rate for March?1. What’s the end of this rate hike cycle? - 5.5% is a consensusThe benchmark rate currently
      1Y Anniversary of Rate Hike - When Will Fed Stop and Pivot?
    • gthum2005gthum2005

      1Y Anniversary of Rate Hike - When Will Fed Stop and Pivot?

      It was a year ago this month that the Fed launched its rate hike to combat inflation.At first, policymakers only take 25 basis points to tackle price surges. Subsequent months saw much larger hikes, enough to raise the Fed’s benchmark borrowing rate by 4.5 percentage points to its highest level since 2007.At this 1 year anniversary, we can review these questions:what's the end of the rate hike cycle?when will Fed stop rate hikes and turn to rate cuts?what's the target rate for March?1. What’s the end of this rate hike cycle? - 5.5% is a consensusThe benchmark rate currently
      1Y Anniversary of Rate Hike - When Will Fed Stop and Pivot?
    • gthum2005gthum2005

      🎁Top Ex_dividend Stocks Next Week: BLK, HD, FDX, KMB, CHK, ADP…

      Hi Tigers,💰Don't miss the last chance to buy the 18 top ex_dividend stocks next week💰Welcome tigers to reply on stock you are interested in and add your personal understandings of its business or earnings. Quality comments will be rewarded. Thanks!The following companies going to ex-dividends on 6 Mar--10 March 2023 EDT , each of the company with a dividend higher than $1 offer for each share.Please watch closely on the Last Chance(before Ex_Dividend Date) to buy the company if you still keep a bullish attitude on it, then you are eligible for the upcoming dividends.Top Ex-dividend over $1 during 6 Mar -10 Mar 2023EX-Dividend DateCompanyDividends Per Share($)Dividend Pa
      🎁Top Ex_dividend Stocks Next Week: BLK, HD, FDX, KMB, CHK, ADP…
    • gthum2005gthum2005

      🎁Scan Q4 & FY22 Results: Pick Retailer Winner in 2023?

      May the below 3 charts will help you find which company is the most profitable one and which one's EPS grows the fastest?$$ ,$Wal-Mart(WMT)$ $Home Depot(HD)$ $Costco(COST)$ $CVS Health(CVS)$ $Lowe's(LOW)$ $Target(TGT)$ $Kroger(KR)$
      🎁Scan Q4 & FY22 Results: Pick Retailer Winner in 2023?
    • gthum2005gthum2005
    • gthum2005gthum2005

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