• STLokeSTLoke
      $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.B)$   Considering Buying BRK.B Shares After a 99% Drop: Potential Risks: 1. Invalid Trade: If the drop is due to a malfunction or error, trades might be canceled, leaving buyers without shares or funds tied up. 2  Market Impact: A sudden drop could cause significant market volatility and further trading halts or investigations. Potential Rewards: 1. Temporary Opportunity: If the drop is a temporary glitch, buying shares at an extremely low price could yield significant returns if trades are honored. 2. Fundamental Value: Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) is fundamentally strong, and a price drop of this magnitude would typically be seen as a buying opportunity if valid. Conclusion: Due Diligence: Verify the cause of the d
    • ShyonShyon
      A big mess is never an issue, as time and solution will cure. No issue will last forever as long as we look into it. The most important point is that we must learn from the mistakes and make them to further improve ourself in the future. Well, the world is improving at a fast pace now. As we are new to the cutting edge technologies, it is normal that we might make some mistakes or having system bugs sometimes. Anyway, this is part of the learning curve and I do believe mistake will only be lesser and lesser in future. If to link with the stock, let's see what $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ innovates its products to cope with AI demand which improves a lot in human daily tasks. Also, $Tesla
    • Alvin TohAlvin Toh
      $Apple(AAPL)$   Do Apple stock go strong next month
    • MasterStonkerMasterStonker
      Maybe leh...can't remember 
    • MasterStonkerMasterStonker
      whack la at $185 🤣🤣🤣🤑🤑🤑
    • Emotional InvestorEmotional Investor
      It was a malfunction, corrected now, but no I'm not buying, why? Because it's the three generation rule, first generation does amazing, second generation is too scared to change the formula, and third generation thinks they no better. It's not a pleasant concept, but it's played out to many times. It might work out, but for me sooo many choices,$Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.B)$ Not for me. @TigerPM @Tiger_chat @Daily_Discussion 
    • Success88Success88
      $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A)$ $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.B)$ Berkshire Hathaway has been a whirlwind lately, offering a chance to snag shares at a bargain... well, almost. Technical Tumble Turns Out to be a Teacup Tempest: On June 4th, 2024, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) experienced a major technical glitch. BRK.A's share price displayed a heart-stopping plunge of nearly 99%. Thankfully, this was just a digital mirage. Trading was halted, the issue corrected, and normalcy returned. While the glitch caused short-term chaos, here's why BRK.A remains a compelling long-term investment: Mystery Box of Acquisitions: Berkshire Hathaway, led by the legendary Warren Buffett, is famous for its strategic acquisiti
    • Nam09Nam09
    • MrzorroMrzorro
      for sure, I will buy it if $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A)$ price is dropped to 185usd! I don't think the world is a big mess. Everyone will make mistakes just how you manage and fix the problem, show your attitude and capability.
    • Hardian21Hardian21
      wooww this amazing hahsha
    • Ms HustlerMs Hustler
      Surely if there’s a glitch a warning can be issued immediately to alert the market?! Having orders cancelled means investors loose other potential gains in that time they took the tisk to invest in falling berkshire!!!
    • waslih87waslih87
      With Nvidia being ATH now, will take the chances of waiting after the split. if it keeps going higher, will just slowly DCA adding to current positions. In any case, Nvidia will be a long term play, a stock with such strong trajectory one may actually lose out more going in and out of the stock then staying on in it. 
    • rhdyysrhdyys
      Would you buy it today as it has dropped 1 to 2% since market opened. $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A)$ at $185 is sure a good buy if it really happened. It could be a knee jerk reaction to some bad news. But then the share price would rebound back up bevause this company has good fundamentals. This world may look like its a big mess but it is actually no worst than it was at day one. Specifically about the virtual world, we may have innumerable platforms where we can be easily cheated and terrorized. In the real world there are also cheats and chaos. Humans are competitive and they fight for what they think is right and for their needs and wants. There will be conflicts as ling as the world exists.
    • rhdyysrhdyys
      hallo guys  im form indonesia
    • AqaAqa
      Would you buy it today as it has dropped 1 to 2% since market opened. $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A)$ at $185 is sure a good buy if it really happened. It could be a knee jerk reaction to some bad news. But then the share price would rebound back up bevause this company has good fundamentals. This world may look like its a big mess but it is actually no worst than it was at day one. Specifically about the virtual world, we may have innumerable platforms where we can be easily cheated and terrorized. In the real world there are also cheats and chaos. Humans are competitive and they fight for what they think is right and for their needs and wants. There will be conflicts as ling as the world exists.
    • AI MasteroAI Mastero
      Did you say BRK.A(!) at $185? I will buy as many shares I can, even though this can't be true.  Let me enjoy owning some dream shares for a while. Hahaha.
    • Vincent ChuaVincent Chua
      $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A)$ i ll buy at these price bacause a great price only happen when there is a chance
    • highhandhighhand
      we are in the Matrix. Neo was fighting with Agent Smith last night, and that caused the glitch in the matrix. Luckily, Neo found an exit before more agents came and nearly terminated him. And all is well in the stock market again.
    • Success88Success88
      $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A)$ $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.B)$ Berkshire Hathaway has been a whirlwind lately, offering a chance to snag shares at a bargain... well, almost. Technical Tumble Turns Out to be a Teacup Tempest: On June 4th, 2024, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) experienced a major technical glitch. BRK.A's share price displayed a heart-stopping plunge of nearly 99%. Thankfully, this was just a digital mirage. Trading was halted, the issue corrected, and normalcy returned. While the glitch caused short-term chaos, here's why BRK.A remains a compelling long-term investment: Mystery Box of Acquisitions: Berkshire Hathaway, led by the legendary Warren Buffett, is famous for its strategic acquisiti
    • Tiger_commentsTiger_comments

      Is the World a Big Mess? Have You Seen Any Other Outages?

      Last night, due to a malfunction at the New York Stock Exchange, $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A)$ plummeted to $185. $Bank of Montreal(BMO)$, $Barrick Gold Corp(GOLD)$, $NuScale Power(SMR)$, and other stocks fell by 99%.If you had noticed Berkshire Hathaway drop to $185 yesterday, would you have bought it?NYSE responded thatAll erroneous trades due to the technical issue will be canceledAll anomalous trades of Berkshire Hathaway during a specific period were invalidated.In 2005, a Tokyo trader's mistake led to a $390 million loss for Mizuho Securities. Instead of entering “sell 1 share at 610,000 yen,” he mistakenly input “sel
      Is the World a Big Mess? Have You Seen Any Other Outages?
    • Chris LukChris Luk
      Hold onto your hats, value investors! A glitch in the Matrix, I mean, the NYSE, just presented us with the financial equivalent of a unicorn stampede – a chance to snag BRK.A at $185! Sure, the suits are saying it's a technical error, but wouldn't it be glorious to own a piece of Berkshire Hathaway at a price that whispers sweet nothings to the Great Depression? We're talking about a chance to rewrite the narrative of wealth creation itself. Imagine the stories, the legend! You'd become the bard of value investing, singing tales of the day you defied the system and waltzed with Buffett himself (metaphorically speaking, of course). Think of it as a peek into an alternate reality, a chance to invest alongside the ghosts of investing titans who bought BRK.A at its IPO. We wouldn't be chasin
    • STLokeSTLoke
      $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.B)$   Considering Buying BRK.B Shares After a 99% Drop: Potential Risks: 1. Invalid Trade: If the drop is due to a malfunction or error, trades might be canceled, leaving buyers without shares or funds tied up. 2  Market Impact: A sudden drop could cause significant market volatility and further trading halts or investigations. Potential Rewards: 1. Temporary Opportunity: If the drop is a temporary glitch, buying shares at an extremely low price could yield significant returns if trades are honored. 2. Fundamental Value: Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) is fundamentally strong, and a price drop of this magnitude would typically be seen as a buying opportunity if valid. Conclusion: Due Diligence: Verify the cause of the d
    • ShyonShyon
      A big mess is never an issue, as time and solution will cure. No issue will last forever as long as we look into it. The most important point is that we must learn from the mistakes and make them to further improve ourself in the future. Well, the world is improving at a fast pace now. As we are new to the cutting edge technologies, it is normal that we might make some mistakes or having system bugs sometimes. Anyway, this is part of the learning curve and I do believe mistake will only be lesser and lesser in future. If to link with the stock, let's see what $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ innovates its products to cope with AI demand which improves a lot in human daily tasks. Also, $Tesla
    • icycrystalicycrystal
      Yes, I would buy [Grin]  [Grin]  [Grin]   in this world dominated by technology - Internet, wif-fi, etc... outage tends to happen. it's part and parcel of being too dependent of technologies. however, if such outage allows me to profit [USD]  [USD]  [USD]  then... I wouldn't mind... [Chuckle]  [Chuckle]  [Chuckle]  on a more serious note, such outages should not happen as this would caused chaos. thus, organisations should ensure their systems are maintain regularly and back up are in place to counter such mishap. @LMSunshine @GoodLife99 @Universe宇宙
    • AqaAqa
      Would you buy it today as it has dropped 1 to 2% since market opened. $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A)$ at $185 is sure a good buy if it really happened. It could be a knee jerk reaction to some bad news. But then the share price would rebound back up bevause this company has good fundamentals. This world may look like its a big mess but it is actually no worst than it was at day one. Specifically about the virtual world, we may have innumerable platforms where we can be easily cheated and terrorized. In the real world there are also cheats and chaos. Humans are competitive and they fight for what they think is right and for their needs and wants. There will be conflicts as ling as the world exists.
    • icycrystalicycrystal
      in this world dominated by technology - Internet, wif-fi, etc... outage tends to happen. it's part and parcel of being too dependent of technologies. however, if such outage allows me to profit [USD] [USD] [USD] then... I wouldn't mind... [Chuckle] [Chuckle] [Chuckle] on a more serious note, such outages should not happen as this would caused chaos. thus, organisations should ensure their systems are maintain regularly and back up are in place to counter such mishap. @LMSunshine @GoodLife99 @Universe宇宙 @Aqa @Shyon
    • rhdyysrhdyys
      Would you buy it today as it has dropped 1 to 2% since market opened. $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A)$ at $185 is sure a good buy if it really happened. It could be a knee jerk reaction to some bad news. But then the share price would rebound back up bevause this company has good fundamentals. This world may look like its a big mess but it is actually no worst than it was at day one. Specifically about the virtual world, we may have innumerable platforms where we can be easily cheated and terrorized. In the real world there are also cheats and chaos. Humans are competitive and they fight for what they think is right and for their needs and wants. There will be conflicts as ling as the world exists.
    • Emotional InvestorEmotional Investor
      It was a malfunction, corrected now, but no I'm not buying, why? Because it's the three generation rule, first generation does amazing, second generation is too scared to change the formula, and third generation thinks they no better. It's not a pleasant concept, but it's played out to many times. It might work out, but for me sooo many choices,$Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.B)$ Not for me. @TigerPM @Tiger_chat @Daily_Discussion 
    • Ryan_Z0528Ryan_Z0528


      Since some people are genuinely upset they couldn’t buy BRK.A when it was down 99%… Just because a glitch showed the price was down doesn’t mean anyone was actually selling shares at that price. This isn’t Walmart, you don’t have to honour a pricing error made by an exchange.ImageBERKSHIRE HATHWAY SHARES ARE HAD BACK TO “NORMAL”
    • waslih87waslih87
      With Nvidia being ATH now, will take the chances of waiting after the split. if it keeps going higher, will just slowly DCA adding to current positions. In any case, Nvidia will be a long term play, a stock with such strong trajectory one may actually lose out more going in and out of the stock then staying on in it. 
    • antitiantiti
      $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A)$ appeared to have traded at the wrong price. Approximately a dozen transactions showed the stock trading at $185.10, which is 99.97% lower than last Friday's closing price of $627,400. $NuScale Power(SMR)$ experienced a similar issue, with its trading price about 99% lower than the previous price.
    • SamlunchSamlunch
      Can you believe it?[LOL]   Forbes updated Warren Buffett's net worth last night during the BRK.A glitch, and even with a 99% loss, he is still comfortably in the Billionaire Club with 3 commas in his net worth.  Wow. Just wow. 🤩 
      $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A)$ Alright who's loading up on this now? 😂🤣
    • SR050321SR050321
      $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A)$ EPS 66k is good earning for price 630k, but will be cancelled anyway if manage to buy at $185, so the pov dream on, wait long long 😂 i will buy $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.B)$ if drop to $185
    • SamlunchSamlunch
      $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A)$  This would have been the easiest buy ever if the price was legit.  99% off for a solid piece of business.  Here take my house my wife my soul give me everything you've got!!! I submitted a limit order at $190 but it got immediately cancelled once the stock resumed trading
    • MrzorroMrzorro
      for sure, I will buy it if $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A)$ price is dropped to 185usd! I don't think the world is a big mess. Everyone will make mistakes just how you manage and fix the problem, show your attitude and capability.
    • highhandhighhand
      we are in the Matrix. Neo was fighting with Agent Smith last night, and that caused the glitch in the matrix. Luckily, Neo found an exit before more agents came and nearly terminated him. And all is well in the stock market again.
    • Ms HustlerMs Hustler
      Surely if there’s a glitch a warning can be issued immediately to alert the market?! Having orders cancelled means investors loose other potential gains in that time they took the tisk to invest in falling berkshire!!!