$SPDR Gold Shares(GLD)$ 🔺🅱️ULLISH 🔺 The Kobeissi Letter: What in the world is happening to Gold? Gold prices are up a MASSIVE 28% in 2024 to a fresh record high of $2,660/oz. This puts Gold on track for its best annual return since 1979, all while the Fed is calling for a "soft landing." Is Gold telling us something? If Gold closed at its current price on December 31st, it would post its best year since 2010. However, if the current pace of the rally continues, Gold could see its best year since 1979. That's when gold rose 126% in a single year. Gold is trading like we are in a crisis. So what is happening? First, you'll see all the headlines attributing gold's rise to geopolitical tensions around the world. While this is certainly a factor, there
$SPDR Gold Shares(GLD)$ 🔺🅱️ULLISH 🔺 The Kobeissi Letter: What in the world is happening to Gold? Gold prices are up a MASSIVE 28% in 2024 to a fresh...
TOPTigerGPT: Gold prices have been experiencing a significant increase, reaching a fresh record high of $2,660/oz in 2024, marking a massive 28% gain for the year. This upward movement has put gold on track for its best annual return since 1979. Despite the Federal Reserve's expectation of a "soft landing," gold continues to rise, indicating that something more significant may be at play. One of the major drivers of gold prices is geopolitical tensions around the world. While this is certainly a contributing factor, it does not fully explain gold's sustained rally, even during periods of calm. Another important factor is the actions of the Federal Reserve. The unexpected 50 basis point rate cut, along with the possibility of another 50 bps rate cut later in the year, has fueled gold's ascent. The Fed's aggressive rate cuts suggest a concern for a potential recession, which contradicts their "soft landing" narrative. It is worth noting that gold prices are also influenced by investor expectations. Currently, there is a belief in the market that the Fed will continue to lower interest rates in the future. This expectation drives investors to buy gold, even if the current market conditions or recent news may not fully support such a rally. In summary, gold prices are surging due to a combination of geopolitical tensions and the Federal Reserve's actions. The expectation of further rate cuts and the possibility of an economic downturn are contributing to investors' interest in gold as a safe-haven asset. Please note that the information provided is for reference purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Investing in gold or any other asset carries risks, and it is essential to conduct thorough research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
$Centrus(LEU)$ 🔺🅱️ULLISH🔺 Huge upside potential! Love where this stock is headed 📈 I have opened positions now!  Analysts 100% BUY 🟢 Source: Insider Monkey Centrus Energy Corp. (NYSE:LEU) Number of Hedge Fund Investors  in Q1 2024: 9 Average Analyst Share Price Target Upside: 62.94% Average Analyst Share Price Target: $69.33 Centrus Energy Corp. (NYSE:LEU) is a nuclear energy company that provides uranium fuel rods and other equipment for nuclear power plants. Its shares are down by 18% year to date, on the back of a disappointing first quarter earnings report which saw Centrus Energy Corp. (NYSE:LEU) report a net loss for the first time in more than a year. This is because the firm’s business is cyclical in nature, and it can only recogn
$Centrus(LEU)$ 🔺🅱️ULLISH🔺 Huge upside potential! Love where this stock is headed 📈 I have opened positions now! Analysts 100% BUY 🟢 Source: Insider ...
TOPTigerGPT: The recent movement in Centrus Energy Corp. (LEU) can be attributed to several factors: Import Waiver: In July 2024, Centrus Energy received an import waiver from the US government, allowing it to import uranium for its fuel rods. This waiver was significant as it resolved the potential vulnerability to sanctions that came into place after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Collaboration with Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power: Centrus Energy announced a contingent supply agreement with Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power for a decade of low-enriched uranium deliveries. This collaboration is a critical step in Centrus' efforts to re-establish a large-scale, U.S.-owned uranium enrichment facility. It indicates progress towards deploying uranium enrichment capacity at its American Centrifuge Plant in Piketon, OH. These developments have likely increased investor confidence in Centrus Energy's future prospects, leading to a surge in the stock price. However, it's important to note that stock prices are influenced by various factors, and future price movements are subject to market dynamics and company performance. It's crucial to conduct thorough research and analysis before making any investment decisions. Risk disclaimer: The information provided is for reference purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Investing in stocks involves risks, including the potential loss of principal. Please consult with a professional financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

🔥Show us your tips for making a fortune on the market!

Hi, Tigers!Welcome to Daily Discussion! This is the place for you to share your trading ideas and win coins!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Click here to join the Topic & Win coins >>​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​[Rewards]We will reward you with 50 Tiger Coins when you share your knowledge about stocks and markets here, depending on quality and originality.[Winners Announcement:23 Sep ]1.Here are the 7 Tigers whose post has the best quality & interaction yesterday:Congratulations on being offered 50 Tiger Coins!S&P
🔥Show us your tips for making a fortune on the market!
TOPRainy777: Hard to buy INTC with the foundry business foundering. TSMCs troubles in USA suggest it will be difficult to run with good quality and profitably. I would only buy INTC if the foundry was gone.

🔥Key events in the coming week, share your trading plans!

Hi, Tigers!Welcome to Daily Discussion! This is the place for you to share your trading ideas and win coins!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Click here to join the Topic & Win coins >>​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​[Rewards]We will reward you with 50 Tiger Coins when you share your knowledge about stocks and markets here, depending on quality and originality.[Winners Announcement:20 Sep ]1.Here are the 5 Tigers whose post has the best quality & interaction last Friday:Congratulations on being offered 50 Tiger Coins!FedEx
🔥Key events in the coming week, share your trading plans!
TOPnerdbull1669: @Daily_Discussion Thank you for the coins! Appreciate much!

MVRV ZScore To Help In Determining Crypto Stock Potential

I think we have seen some good performance from some of the crypto stocks yesterday (23 Sep). I have posted an article yesterday Why MicroStrategy Not Coinbase When Bitcoin Build Its Rally MicroStrategy was up 3.50%, but how would we know whether Bitcoin is currently undervalued ot overvalued and whether we can trade MicroStrategy or not? In this article I would like to share with you on what is Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) Z-Score and how I make use of this metric to help me to gauge the market sentiment and identify potential buying or selling opportunities for crypto stocks like $MicroStrategy(MSTR)$ What is the Bitcoin MVRV Ratio? The Bitcoin MVRV ratio is a metr
MVRV ZScore To Help In Determining Crypto Stock Potential

Weekly S&P500 ChartStorm - Bear Market Life

Weekly ChartStorm Classics -- digging into the archives of the early years... $S&P 500(.SPX)$ $SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY)$ $NASDAQ(.IXIC)$ $NASDAQ 100(NDX)$ $Invesco QQQ(QQQ)$ $DJIA(.DJI)$ $GLOBAL X DOW 30® COVERED CALL ETF(DJIA)$ 1. Bear Market Life:  Here’s an interesting table from an old favorite “@OddStats” which looks at how many bear markets people experienced by the time they turned 40. NOTE UPDATE (table is from 2018) — those born in 1980 will now be 40, and will have lived
Weekly S&P500 ChartStorm - Bear Market Life
I opened $IWM 20240927 224.0 CALL$  ,This is the rolled position for the diagonal spread. The strike price is above the long call of $217, with premium of about $50. As long as price stays below $224, I’ll get to keep the premium. If it reaches $224, I may roll or close the position. See how it goes. 😊
09-23 23:02
US20240927 224.0
SidePriceRealized P&L
iShares Russell 2000 ETF
I opened $IWM 20240927 224.0 CALL$ ,This is the rolled position for the diagonal spread. The strike price is above the long call of $217, with prem...
🌟🌟🌟I have just started to invest in $iShares Silver Trust(SLV)$  recently  as I believe that it is undervalued compared to $SPDR Gold Shares(GLD)$  SLV ETF is the largest Silver ETF by market capitalisation.  With the Feds cutting interest rate by 50 basis points, commodity prices will continue to trend upwards.  Silver is also used commercially in batteries, solar panels and many other products as it is a good conductor of electricity.  SLV has the potential to reach USD 30 soon.  Great time to dollar cost average into SLV.  @TigerStars  


各位小虎們好呀!在上週美聯儲降息落地後,現貨黃金和黃金期貨的價格再創新高,美股道瓊斯指數和標普500指數同樣創下新高的水平,雖然降息幅度超乎市場預期,但從市場反應來看,效果還是立竿見影。[Happy]在市場不斷拉高黃金預期後,作為小兄弟的白銀和黃銅是否能趕上老大哥的步伐呢?[Lovely]黃金期貨再創新高不要低估白銀在降息週期的表現?黃金價格的不斷上漲,反映了美聯儲降息以及通脹的影響,同時也反映了全球各地央行和投資者的“黃金熱”,從2022年底開始,他們都瘋狂增持黃金儲備。中國作為黃金增持第一大國外,印度等國也開始不斷增持黃金。有分析師認為,黃金是對衝2025年通脹飆升的最佳工具,3000美元的目標價已經不是夢了。[Cool]但別忘了,白銀和白銀期貨在上半年也創下新高,根據市場數據,從過去三輪降息週期開始後的兩年內,白銀價格平均上漲超30%。但從過去十年,黃金和白銀的表現來看,白銀與黃金還有很大的差距。[Duh]黃金與白銀歷年來的走勢比較 圖源:ZeroHedge高盛認為,受到美聯儲立場後期更為鴿派、白銀是AI建設的關鍵組成部分、以及白銀的倉位比黃金更低等因素影響,白銀將會迎來突破性飆升。瑞銀分析師近期也表示,在美元走弱、市場投資偏好改善、黃金不斷新高,都刺激了白銀的反彈,該行預計白銀目標價格為36至38美元/盎司。[Surprised]瑞銀對白銀的工業需求依舊保持樂觀,雖然全球近期製造業的數據呈現比較疲軟的狀態,瑞銀預計在全球新能源轉型的大趨勢下,白銀需求增長是長期趨勢。[Serious]圖源:TOP1 Markets銅去庫存化困難!5月15日,COMEX銅盤中漲超4%,達到最高的5.128美元/磅,觸及歷史高位,在這之前,銅的價格已經連續多個交易日上行,今年2月的漲幅已經將近30%![Miser]但在5月份之後,銅價出現大幅回調,回調的主要原因主要是由於行業需求抑制和季
🌟🌟🌟I have just started to invest in $iShares Silver Trust(SLV)$ recently as I believe that it is undervalued compared to $SPDR Gold Shares(GLD)$ SL...
TOPicycrystal: thanks for sharing

Chart of the Week - Tops and Bottoms

Earlier this year I wrote a series of educational notes on using valuation signals to help navigate market cycles, and after a couple of conversations and comments I got to wondering what it would look like if you showed the average path the stock market took around valuation-extreme tops and bottoms.As a point of clarity, first I want to compare and contrast two types of market peaks.The August 2000 peak was a classic valuation-extreme top, a bubble; clear excess and extreme expensive valuations… just waiting to be popped (by rising interest rates).The October 2007 peak by contrast was *not* a valuation-extreme top. Across a number of valuation metrics the market looked reasonable, even cheap e.g. on a forward PE basis. Instead, that peak was the product of rising rates triggering an econ
Chart of the Week - Tops and Bottoms

Micron (MU) Reliance On China Might Drag Its Margins

$Micron Technology(MU)$ is scheduled to release its fourth-quarter fiscal 2024 results after market close on 25 Sep. Micron projects fiscal fourth-quarter revenues of $7.6 billion (+/- $200 million). Consensus estimate for the top line is pegged at $7.64 billion, which implies strong year-over-year growth of 90.5%. The consensus estimate for earning per share is at $1.11. Rising Demand For Memory Chips Might Help Micron With the increasing demand for memory chips, that might be a significant boost for Micron’s fourth-quarter results. The demand is driven by the increasing adoption of graphics processing unit (GPU)-enabled artificial intelligence (AI) servers. As datacenter operators expand their capabilities with generative AI and large language mo
Micron (MU) Reliance On China Might Drag Its Margins
I closed $SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY)$  ,I closed $SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY)$  ,Take a look at the latest order I posted!I took some profit on SPY etf on the earlier position entered considering the seasonality of Sep pullback. Will buy in again if there is a dip
09-24 02:17
USSPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust
SidePriceRealized P&L
SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust
I closed $SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY)$ ,I closed $SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY)$ ,Take a look at the latest order I posted!I took some profit on SPY ...
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$  Persistent big big swings between bulls and bears in the day. Bears are still selling the perspective that the rate cut is late and it is too late to save the labor market. This week's Fed talks might help to alleviate some of those concerns.  We are seeing strong spike in oil and gas due to energy required by AI data centers, and also triggered by the escalation in Israeli air strikes on Lebanon. Energy stocks maintain red strong going into the election, and valuable for the bears' perspective of a looming recession. S&P500 has hit all-time high, but Nasdaq is still below it's all-time high in July. We are also seeing a broader market gain in stocks like Nike, Walmart, Alibaba, AirBnB.
$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ Persistent big big swings between bulls and bears in the day. Bears are still selling the perspective that the rate cut is late...
$Nvidia (NVDA)$This week there are essentially two potential outcomes: 1) The stock trades in the $115-$120 range, or 2) It breaks above $125. The former is more probable, the latter less so.Last Friday, institutions chose to heavily sell calls above the $120 strike, resulting in an appearance of short squeeze potential above $120 based on open interest. If the stock were to rally through $120 on Friday, it could trigger a 5% upside burst.However, considering Tesla is likely to be this week's main focus, I believe institutions will keep Nvidia capped below $120. The downside should also have a floor, so I'll look to sell $NVDA 20240927 110.0 PUT$ .Notably, a large stockholder sol
$Nvidia (NVDA)$This week there are essentially two potential outcomes: 1) The stock trades in the $115-$120 range, or 2) It breaks above $125. The ...


Hello everyone! Today i want to share some trading ideas with you!1.As the AI revolution begins, the demand for high-end hardware that can keep up with AI’s intense computational needs has skyrocketed -- this surge will enable the following companies to have consistent demand for years to come 👇🏼1. $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ has solidified its leadership in AI hardware with its H100 and upcoming Blackwell GPUs -- crucial for advanced AI computations, driving substantial profit margins and setting industry standards. Meanwhile, $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ is expanding its presence with enhanced Ryzen chips, tailored to meet increasing AI demands. Despite AMD's advancements, NVIDIA's early investments and establi
The Investing Iguana

Singapore REITs: 4 Hidden Gems Ready to Explode | 🦖 #TheInvestingIguana EP525

🟩 🦎 The Investing Iguana brings you the hottest REIT insights in Singapore! 🇸🇬 As interest rates prepare to tumble, four Singapore REITs are gearing up for explosive growth. Join Ivan and Irene as they uncover these hidden gems that could supercharge your portfolio: • Keppel DC REIT's bold move into Japan's data center market • Frasers Centrepoint Trust's suburban mall domination strategy • Mapletree Logistics Trust's Southeast Asian logistics empire • CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust's game-changing ION Orchard acquisition Discover how these REITs are positioning themselves for massive DPU growth and learn why now might be the perfect time to invest. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, this video is packed with valuable insights to help you navigate Singapore's
Singapore REITs: 4 Hidden Gems Ready to Explode | 🦖 #TheInvestingIguana EP525
The Investing Iguana

Singapore REITs: 4 Hidden Gems Ready to Explode | 🦖 #TheInvestingIguana EP525

🟩 🦎 The Investing Iguana brings you the hottest REIT insights in Singapore! 🇸🇬 As interest rates prepare to tumble, four Singapore REITs are gearing up for explosive growth. Join Ivan and Irene as they uncover these hidden gems that could supercharge your portfolio: • Keppel DC REIT's bold move into Japan's data center market • Frasers Centrepoint Trust's suburban mall domination strategy • Mapletree Logistics Trust's Southeast Asian logistics empire • CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust's game-changing ION Orchard acquisition Discover how these REITs are positioning themselves for massive DPU growth and learn why now might be the perfect time to invest. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, this video is packed with valuable insights to help you navigate Singapore's
Singapore REITs: 4 Hidden Gems Ready to Explode | 🦖 #TheInvestingIguana EP525

SOXX, SE, BABA, META& GME Welcome Great Potential!

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some technical analysis with u!1. $iShares Semiconductor ETF(SOXX)$ Did you miss the semiconductor dip-buy signal AGAIN, anon? 😉2. $Sea Ltd(SE)$ Weinstein would be proud. 🤩 3. $Alibaba(BABA)$ Michael Burry's top holding, he owns 155K shares accounting for 21% of his portfolio. $BABA'The Big Long'? 👀4. $Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ Weekly ascending triangle breakout, bull MACD cross...not bearish. 🤷 5. $GameStop(GME)$ closed +12% on Friday, highest volume since mid June...Something brewing here? 🧐 Follow me to learn more about analysis!!https://x
SOXX, SE, BABA, META& GME Welcome Great Potential!

Capturing Qualcomm-Intel Merger Opportunities with Options!

Recently, $Qualcomm(QCOM)$ has been in talks with $Intel(INTC)$ regarding a potential acquisition. This news sent Intel's stock soaring over 9% at one point last Friday, while Qualcomm's shares fell more than 5%. According to Reuters, Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon is personally involved in the acquisition discussions, exploring various options. However, these negotiations are still in the early stages, and Qualcomm hasn’t made a formal offer yet.A Major Shift in the PC Chip LandscapeInsiders warn that talks have only taken place in the past few days, and the uncertainty surrounding the deal is high. Even if Intel is open to it, such a massive transaction would likely face antitrust scrutiny. Still, this mov
Capturing Qualcomm-Intel Merger Opportunities with Options!
Tiger_James Ooi

US Market Insights (23-27 Sep): Soft Landing Hopes

The S&P 500 $SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY)$ $iShares Core S&P 500 ETF(IVV)$ $Vanguard S&P 500 ETF(VOO)$ and Nasdaq-100 $Invesco QQQ(QQQ)$ returned 1.39% and 1.44% last week, respectively. Major market movers included Nvidia (-2.6%), UnitedHealth (-2.91%), Pepsi (-3.48%), Philip Morris (-3.84%), FedEx (-11.08%), Apple (+2.56%), Meta (+7.1%), Amazon (+2.74%), Alphabet-A (+3.89%), and Microsoft (+1.09%). Key economic data this week include Manufacturing and Services PMI on Monday, Consumer Confidence on Tuesday, GDP and Unemployment Claims on Thursday, and PCE on Friday. Major earnings this week include Micron on
US Market Insights (23-27 Sep): Soft Landing Hopes

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