• BontaBonta
      When we ask anyone on the streets who do they know in the following list:1. Peter lynch 2. John templeton 3. Benjamin graham4. George soros 5. Warren BuffettWhich is the name that they will know? Unless they are investors, I am confident that the average person won't know anyone in the list beside Warren Buffett. Why so? Warren buffett managed to reach the rank of world top 10 richest through investing.Not just that, we have to remember that he donated significant portion of his wealth.Imagine if he didn't donate his wealth, how much more will he be having now.At the end of day, results count and Warren Buffett is able to show his results through Berkshire.Is he the greatest?If we look at wealth, yes. None of the otherscome close to his wealth. Did he ach
      Mr Warren Buffett would be an easy choice after he was mentored by Benjamin Graham.  However, the major change came with he met Mr Charlie Munger who advised him to hold the stocks "forever".  James Harris Simons (better known as Jim Simons) is an American billionaire, award-winning mathematician and hedge fund manager who founded Renaissance Technologies in 1982. As of the end of 2020, the New York-based hedge fund has over $165 billion worth of discretionary assets under management and over $92 billion in managed 13F securities.  Some regarded him as the greatest who incorporated the use of quantitative analysis into his investment strategy.Personally Peter Lynch would be my favourite as he amassed a massive portfolio of over 1400 stocks at one time.  From Forbes: Pet
    • koolgalkoolgal
      Warren Buffett is my Number 1 choice for the most successful stock picker because he has an uncanny ability to buy quality companies below their intrinsic value.What is the secret of his success?  He has a laser focus on sectors and industries that he is most knowledgeable and familiar with. For him these are financial stocks and consumer Staples.  By focusing on companies that he really knows, Warren Buffett has become very good at picking out the winners. Warren Buffett also picks companies that have a wide moat.  For example Coca-Cola has a brand moat as it is known all over the world.He also looks at the management of a company.  He values trustworthy and highly competent management.  Example is Tim Cook of Apple. Warren Buffett loves companies t
    • HelenJanetHelenJanet
      Warren Buffett is the best investor of all time by finding deals during crisis, buying stocks at a price within margin of safety and holding them for long term. All these simple investment strategies have proven to be very effective. 
    • HumblyHumbly
      Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger have the longest track record of successful stock picking and they are probably among the best value investors out there. Although they made mistakes at times, they are not afraid of admitting their mistakes, selling off their positions sometimes at a loss and move on. This makes them stand out among investors and this is also something very difficult for many investors to follow. Stock picking is not just a skill but requires tremendous discipline to buy at the right price, holding on to huge gains and cutting losses if need to. It is something all of us can do if we devote time patience and discipline to investing in only our area of competence.
    • MHhMHh
      With their track record, they are all great in their own ways. Two themes appear to be common among them:Buy only what you know. This is the essence of picking stocks. You need to know what you are buying and not blind following of the masses. Once you know what is of interest, is to be able to determine its value.Buy at value prices. This will increase the winning rate by increasing the safety margin and potentially yield greater returns.There is one thing that is out of control of all men, that is the broad market and macroeconomic factors. Although Buffett learnt from Graham, he had the advantage of the US market boom and the major market downturns for him to capitalise on. All men could wisely navigate the market conditions to reap great returns most of the time, whether it was buying
    • BenjiFujiBenjiFuji
      What is the best way to utilize $1, $2, $5 etc tiger vouchers?Options:1. Use it whenever you trade a large position2. Buy a single stock of an expensive but fair to slightly overvalued stock?3. Purchase a single stock that costs slightly more than the voucher. Thus effectively getting a stock free.4. Lie down and think like Mr Panda5. What tiger voucher? Please share. Hope to learn from you. 
    • TWJ84TWJ84
      I'm a huge warren fan because I have the same view on most of the stocks he picked. Im invested in companies that make up a large portion of berkshire's portfolio. Not so much for the other gurus featured. 
    • BenjiFujiBenjiFuji
      Who is the most successful investor?This is a tough question as all investors are successful in their own right. Having said that what is more important is what can we learn from them and what we do not agree with them. Here is a quick segment on my thoughts:Benjamin Graham The cigar butt investor is famous for buying business cheaply and only to make a profit on them when the business has folded or is liquidatated for a price higher than when Benjamin Graham bought at a discount. The analogy of the cigar butt was like picking up a small cigarette on the floor that is almost essentially free and taking one last puff. That was his investment style. I love the concept of a discount. What I cannot understand was his 50% holdingsin bonds and his arbitrage methods.George SorosThe Fundament
    • OSJOSJ
      Can't go wrong with any of these investors
    • EnereskobEnereskob
      Warren Buffett is my pick. He is a long term investor, which is the style I prefer.
    • Big CatBig Cat
      I think follow Warren Buffett the most for investment tips.Though, I've not seen him teaching us the calculations step by step [Sly] .Well, maybe he got but I just can't find it as it's very way in the past + I've started investing quite late[Thinking] .Benjamin Graham seem like an interesting guy as I think I've seen a lot formulas invented by him[Doubt] ?I'm kinda a math 🧮 person. So, I'm always interested in ppls who can make their own formula that "work" [Sly] .As for his formula, I'm not sure if it works or what. But it's kinda too complicated (too chim) to me = I don't know how to apply...[Speechless] I applied it & it gives me weird results [LOL] . So, I give up half way & go for other methods [Sly] .It's totally a waste
    • jw_lajw_la
      Warren Buffet is the one! Many follow his style of investing too. 
    • KwLauKwLau
      Warren buffet without a doubt is the best investor of all time. His style of selecting value stocks at reasonable prices have proven to be very effective.
    • Et1502Et1502
      Most of them have their "unique brand" of investment strategy. i loved all 4, but I have learned from these gurus experiences & have my own stock picking & investment strategy. Kudos to all 4!!!
    • TestingnicknTestingnickn
      Why Benjamin Graham is the most successful stock picker. "Who is the most successful stock picker?" might be a trick question by @MillionaireTigersince the technically correct answer would be Warren Buffet since he made the most money from the stock he picked. But do you know that in many interviews, Buffet mentioned that "making money did not motivate Graham" and also the fact that Graham donated most of his money away (instead of reinvesting it and generating more money). In other word, if he wanted to, Graham could be the "most successful stock picker" based on money made.Success also has the "leaving a legacy" attached to it. One of his legacy would be the book he wrote "The Intelligent Investor". Although Warrent Buffett popu
    • ToughCoyoteToughCoyote
      Investing for me is a long term game…therefore, for me personally I am more impacted by the behaviours and investing style of Buffet and Peter. They subscribe to simple and value investing where one should do their deed at present and then almost passively see their investment make money. For example: Peter Lynch encourages people to buy what they know by understanding their natural advantages. IF we don't understand a company and we can't explain to a 10 year old in 2 minutes or less about that company, then DON'T buy it.  And Buffet believes in the fact that “If investing is entertaining, if you're having fun, you're probably not making any money. Good investing is boring”Finally, no one is always correct therefore one should subscribe to the fact about the value of your errors
    • Huiz84Huiz84
      I don't know who to follow as who knows whether are they even practicing what they preach? We are responsible for our own money.
    • GackkyGackky
      i will try all rules.. whichever makes me the most money will be the iron clad rule[Tongue] 
    • highhandhighhand
      Peter Lynch will be my pick. Someone who's flexible and adapts to different market conditions - be it value investing with stable dividends or growth stocks, in particular, multi-baggers (a term he coined). This suits today's dynamic, fast-paced investment environment. In addition, he retired at 46 after his early success. Something to aspire for because I don't want to be actively investing (too much) when I'm 91 like Buffett. Now let's breakdown the rest. 1. Both Buffet and Graham have similar styles, focusing on value investing and contrarian. Graham was even known as Buffett's mentor. While these are proven methods, they require strict discipline and patience which I may not have. Sometimes, inaction in the stock market for long periods might be unbearable. 😀2. Templeton used a similar