• OptionsDeltaOptionsDelta
      Thursday saw more rolling activity compared to Friday, which aligns with the concept we discussed yesterday - taking profits on the initial selloff by rolling winning put positions.Additionally, we saw a decent amount of options being exercised rather than closed out. This implies traders felt this week's move may have fallen short of expectations, whether that's not reaching a target strike or having negligible premium left. However, by exercising, it suggests they maintain a view for further downside ahead, just not necessarily continuing through Friday's session.In plain English, Friday's trajectory could differ from next week's, essentially a bet on a bounce Friday but continuation lower next week. But that's more of an isolated view from the exercise flows - we'd need to look at overa
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium
      ·07-26 13:14

      Option Strategies: TQQQ

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!Am contemplating selling puts and buying calls on $ProShares UltraPro QQQ(TQQQ)$ for a bounce. The sell-off has been drastic. Gotta be getting close to a short-term bottom. Might DCA into a position on both. 🤔Follow me to learn more about analysis!!https://x.com/Selling4Premium
      Option Strategies: TQQQ
    • OptionsDeltaOptionsDelta
      ·07-26 00:06

      Continuing Prep for Next Week's Pullback, Watch for Low Probability Slide on Friday

      I have some good news and bad news: The bad news is that we're only halfway through this selloff, with another potential 2% downside for the broad market. The good news is that even though we're just halfway, individual stocks have already seen significant pullbacks, leaving ample room for upside following earnings releases and setting expectations that price reactions may not be overly negative. $SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY)$ Let's start with the market overview. Wednesday's plunge saw a rare put-buying frenzy. For those who bought puts ahead of the move, the decision was:A) Take profitsB) Roll down to lower strike putsDealers opted for (B), rolling out of higher strikes to position for further downside:Closing Sept 20 526 puts, rolling to Sept
      Continuing Prep for Next Week's Pullback, Watch for Low Probability Slide on Friday
    • OptionsAuraOptionsAura
      ·07-25 20:11

      Market Meltdown? Six Options Tactics That Could Save Your Portfolio

      Overnight, the US stock market fell sharply, Magnificent Seven was sold due to poor performance.The $S&P 500(.SPX)$ plunged 2.32%, marking its worst single-day performance since December 2022. For the first time in 356 trading days, it closed with a loss exceeding 2%, breaking the record of 365 consecutive trading days since 2007 without a 2% or more drop. The $NASDAQ(.IXIC)$ also took a hard hit, falling 3.64%, its steepest one-day drop since October 2022, and closing at its lowest point since June 10. The $DJIA(.DJI)$ dipped 1.25%, ending below 40,000 points for the first time in two weeks.Looking at individual stocks, the "Magnificent Seven" has evaporate
      Market Meltdown? Six Options Tactics That Could Save Your Portfolio
    • EliteOptionsTraderEliteOptionsTrader
      ·07-25 14:07

      Option Strategies: .SPX, AAPL, META& TSLA

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some trading strategies with you!1. $S&P 500(.SPX)$ big sell off today.. SPX 5444 test coming next.. possible we see 5400 before a bottom starts to form. Puts can work under 5500 $Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ breaking under 474.. it can drop another 12-15 pts under 470 $Apple(AAPL)$ under 220 can drop to 210. Puts can work under 2202.Trade plan for Thursday ✅ $S&P 500(.SPX)$ down 128 pts today. SPX can drop one more dip to 5374-5400 range before a bottom forms.5400P can work under 5430 $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ under 215 can test 208,2002
      Option Strategies: .SPX, AAPL, META& TSLA
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium
      ·07-25 13:37

      Option Strategies: .SPX& NVDA

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1. $S&P 500(.SPX)$ looking good for an optionselling trade. Over 1% down ... looking at selling a put credit spread 1% OTM and then selling a call credit spread to turn it into an Iron Condor trade.2. $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ testing that 116-118 support range yet again ... and yet again holding. Kinda want to see what tomorrow brings, but if NVDA continues to hold this support zone strongly, then might be another optionselling put play.Thinking -- July 26 expiration, put strike in the 107-110 range. 🤔3.P/L this week gonna look really bad from rolling positions and taking losses on some positions we just wanted to get out of holding 😢.Fo
      Option Strategies: .SPX& NVDA
    • OptionsAuraOptionsAura
      ·07-24 21:13

      Long Strangle for ABBV & AZN Earnings: Boost Your Wins

      Stock prices usually take a wild swing after companies release their financial reports. If you're looking to make some money by betting on the direction of these moves before earnings announcements, options trading can be a powerful tool to amplify gains and minimize risks.Betting on earnings with options is arguably one of the simplest strategies, offering massive returns when you get it right. But remember, it's not just about guessing the direction; you need a significant price swing to overcome the odds stacked against you as a buyer. The sellers, on the other hand, have the upper hand, silently collecting premiums and capitalizing on the reduced volatility around earnings.To stay ahead in the earnings game, aim to be the option seller. Your goal is to cash in on those juicy premiums a
      Long Strangle for ABBV & AZN Earnings: Boost Your Wins
    • EliteOptionsTraderEliteOptionsTrader

      Option Strategies: TSLA, META, .SPX& QQQ

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some trading strategies with you!1. $S&P 500(.SPX)$ setting up for 5600 test, breaking out above 5568.. Calls working above the 5568 resistance i mentioned premarket $Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$ 283 coming next.. #bitcoin conference starting on Thursday.. COIN through 283 can run to 300 $Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ 500 coming 🚀2. $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ Earnings Trade Idea 📈TSLA July 26 265C ✅Target 1 268Target 2 278 $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ is close to breaking out of a 12-month consolidation if it closes through 268 after earnings. TSLA thro
      Option Strategies: TSLA, META, .SPX& QQQ
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: TSLA& GOOGL

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Executed our trade on $Alphabet(GOOGL)$ . Changed it up slightly. ▫️ Bought the 1x1x2 put spread as planned▫️ Bought a July 26 exp 200/205 call debit spread▫️ Sold the Aug 9 exp 205 calls2.We bet wrong on $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ for earnings ... 🤣 !! Oh well ... such is life. Here's what we're gonna do.For the July 26 exp 280/285 call debit spread:▫️ Keep the 280 long call as as worthless hedge▫️ Roll the 285 short call down to the 240-250 range for net credit (assuming there is decent premium still available) to offset some of the lossFor the July 26 exp 227.5/225/195 put ratio spread:▫️ Hold the 227.5/225 put debit spread to see if we
      Option Strategies: TSLA& GOOGL
    • Ryan_Z0528Ryan_Z0528

      BA stands on 120 DMA and close at $186.4, may we plan 190C on 08/02/2024

      $Boeing(BA)$ lead the gains of $DJIA(.DJI)$ components, due to the company got big plane order from 'World's Best Airline'—Qatar Airways.July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing and Qatar Airways announced today the Middle Eastern airline's order for 20 more 777-9 airplanes, which will be the world's largest and most fuel-efficient twin-engine jet. The order, which expands the carrier's 777X order book to nearly 100 airplanes, was finalized this year and listed as unidentified on Boeing's Orders & Deliveries website. $Boeing(BA)$ got another big win at the Farnborough Airshow in London on Tuesday after securing an order of 20 777X aircraft from Qatar Airways.
      BA stands on 120 DMA and close at $186.4, may we plan 190C on 08/02/2024
    • OptionsDeltaOptionsDelta

      Tesla Charging Towards 300 Again?

      Even I am getting numb to the constantly shifting winds. What were the catalysts over the past couple days? Biden not running? September rate cut?Regardless of the reason, on Monday we saw a massive 23,462 volume buyer in the $TSLA 20240920 300.0 CALL$  .The good news is that most of the option buying was outright, not part of a spread. The bad news is that the order flow seems to fall between retail and institutional in terms of style.So these 23,462 calls could either be thousands of retail traders piling in, or institutions putting on an initial position that others are chasing.I'm leaning towards the latter, as retail tends to favor shorter-dated weekly or monthly options rather than going all the way out to Septembe
      Tesla Charging Towards 300 Again?
    • OptionsAuraOptionsAura

      Trade VRT Earnings: NVIDIA Supplier's Straddle Options Strategies

      With $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ setting the pace as the "global AI barometer," Wall Street's ongoing optimism has sparked an AI gold rush in the US stock market.$Vertiv Holdings LLC(VRT)$ , known for its power and cooling infrastructure solutions, offers a range of air-cooled, liquid-cooled, and power distribution services tailored for compute-intensive AI workloads. Their liquid cooling solutions, including the Liebert XDM split indoor chilled water unit and Liebert XDU coolant distribution unit, are integral to their offerings. Vertiv recently launched the AIGC full-stack liquid cooling solutions in April 2024, featuring both cold plate and immersion options. The cold plate solution, with its 1mm precision to i
      Trade VRT Earnings: NVIDIA Supplier's Straddle Options Strategies
    • EliteOptionsTraderEliteOptionsTrader

      Trading Strategies: .SPX, COIN, META& TSLA

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some trading analysis with you!1. $S&P 500(.SPX)$ defended 5536 on the back test just now, if it can hold there we can see 5600 by Friday. Core PCE data coming up on Friday $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ 268 in play after earnings tomorrow, $Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ setting up for 500 by Friday if tech can hold up here.. $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ to 126 in play $Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$ 265 is a breakout level for a run to 283 this week Keep a close eye on the 265 resistance level🚀2.Trade plan for Tuesday ✅
      Trading Strategies: .SPX, COIN, META& TSLA
    • OptionsDeltaOptionsDelta

      Bracing for a Major Pullback

      Last week's unusual option activity suggests July-August could be turbulent. After all, we've been anticipating this pullback since late May – the "wolf" cries have persisted for over a month. Wall Street's bears have patiently waited through the holiday period, so a correction would only be courteous at this point.While I previously projected SPY towards 550, now that we're here, it doesn't signal an end, but rather the start of the second pullback phase.The second phase target, based on option positioning, appears to be 520-525, implying a 4-5% further drawdown for the S&P 500.Typical buy-side flows include: $SPY 20240816 522.0 PUT$ For this week specifically, there's a chance we test 540 first.
      Bracing for a Major Pullback
    • EliteOptionsTraderEliteOptionsTrader

      Option Strategies: COIN, TSLA& .SPX

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some trading strategies with you!1. $Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$ Trade Idea: July 26th 270C 💡Trigger: Above 259 📈Target: 272 🎯Stop: 254 🛑COIN is setting up for 283 this summer. Calls can work above 259 or 246 backtest and hold. 2. $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ ER Trade Idea: July 26th 260C 💡Target: 268 🎯TSLA reports earnings on Tuesday AH (23 pt mv). If 233 holds after ER we should see 268+ this summer.3. $S&P 500(.SPX)$ is down 164 pts since last week. If SPX fails to defend 5500 we can see another dip to 5444 before a bottom starts to form. Let the market drop for now, we can see at least 2-3 more days of a pullback before a sh
      Option Strategies: COIN, TSLA& .SPX
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: SOFI, VST, NVDA& AMD

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with u!1.Our trading recap for the week: ✅ Solid performance on the weekly optionselling trades with a net profit of $12,404.72 📈❌ Got killed on our long-term tech stock holdings and longer-expiration sold puts, so this portfolio is down quite a bit from where it was a week ago 📉◻️ No assignments and rolled just one position to this upcoming week's expiration◻️ Gonna be a big earnings week coming up ... be prepared for more volatility◻️ Follow and stay tuned ... will post optionsTrading ideas in a separate post2.Our optionselling game plan for this week with July 26 expiration.Current trades in play:- $ASML Holding NV(ASML)$ 855 put. Rolled this from 900 strike that was expiring last wee
      Option Strategies: SOFI, VST, NVDA& AMD
    • BaconiBaconi

      Logitech International S.A. Q4 2024 Earnings and August 16 Options Expiry: A Comprehensive Analysis for Investors

      $Logitech International SA(LOGI)$, a global leader in computer peripherals and innovative tech products, is set to release its Q4 2024 earnings on July 22, 2024. This pivotal event, coupled with the options expiry date of August 16, 2024, has captured the attention of finance professionals, options traders, and long-term investors. This in-depth analysis explores Logitech’s market position, earnings expectations, and crucial options data that savvy traders closely monitor. Earnings Preview: What Investors Need to Know Logitech is poised to announce its quarterly earnings on July 22, 2024, for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024. Wall Street analysts project earnings per share (EPS) of $0.55, indicating a robust performance in a challenging mark
      Logitech International S.A. Q4 2024 Earnings and August 16 Options Expiry: A Comprehensive Analysis for Investors
    • BaconiBaconi

      Verizon Communications Inc. Q2 2024 Earnings and July 26 Options Expiry: A Deep Dive for Investors

      $Verizon(VZ)$, a titan in the telecommunications industry, is poised to unveil its second-quarter 2024 earnings on July 22, 2024. This pivotal event, coupled with the options expiry date of July 26, 2024, has captured the attention of finance professionals, options traders, and long-term investors. This comprehensive analysis delves into Verizon’s market position, earnings expectations, and the intricate options data that savvy traders closely monitor. Current Market Position and Stock Performance As of the latest trading session, Verizon’s stock is hovering at $41.62, exhibiting a bullish trend in the lead-up to the earnings announcement. This upward momentum is fueled by positive market sentiment and Verizon’s strategic advancements in 5G technolo
      Verizon Communications Inc. Q2 2024 Earnings and July 26 Options Expiry: A Deep Dive for Investors
    • OptionsDeltaOptionsDelta
      $CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc.(CRWD)$ - How severe is this incident? There is no updated open interest data in the market currently. The available data is only from Wednesday. It's safe to assume the OCC system is still down and brokers cannot retrieve the latest information.It's a relief the markets can still open normally today, but with July 19th option expiration, traders are essentially operating blind without full data visibility.I was planning to further analyze the rationale behind the NVDA 100 put buying, but that will have to wait until next week.Time for the usual weekly roll: $Apple(AAPL)$ Sell $AAPL 20240726 235.0 CALL$  Sell
    • OptionsDeltaOptionsDelta

      Earnings Warning - Heavy Put Buying is Not a Good Sign

      Based on the current trend, SPY is likely headed towards 545, although a fresh rally to new highs is possible after risk is released. However, the potential downturn could be painful. $Netflix(NFLX)$ Netflix has a high probability of leading the earnings pullback, as major option flows are skewed bearishly, though this doesn't necessarily imply disappointing results.This week's put spread targets 600-570:Buy NFLX 20240719 600 PutsSell NFLX 20240719 570 PutsNext week's put spread strikes are 660-580:Buy NFLX 20240726 650 PutsSell NFLX 20240726 580 PutsImplying around a 10% potential downside. $Microsoft(MSFT)$ While Netflix bearishness is expected, the emergence of large MSFT put buyers is surprising, incl
      Earnings Warning - Heavy Put Buying is Not a Good Sign
    • OptionsDeltaOptionsDelta
      Thursday saw more rolling activity compared to Friday, which aligns with the concept we discussed yesterday - taking profits on the initial selloff by rolling winning put positions.Additionally, we saw a decent amount of options being exercised rather than closed out. This implies traders felt this week's move may have fallen short of expectations, whether that's not reaching a target strike or having negligible premium left. However, by exercising, it suggests they maintain a view for further downside ahead, just not necessarily continuing through Friday's session.In plain English, Friday's trajectory could differ from next week's, essentially a bet on a bounce Friday but continuation lower next week. But that's more of an isolated view from the exercise flows - we'd need to look at overa
    • OptionsDeltaOptionsDelta
      ·07-26 00:06

      Continuing Prep for Next Week's Pullback, Watch for Low Probability Slide on Friday

      I have some good news and bad news: The bad news is that we're only halfway through this selloff, with another potential 2% downside for the broad market. The good news is that even though we're just halfway, individual stocks have already seen significant pullbacks, leaving ample room for upside following earnings releases and setting expectations that price reactions may not be overly negative. $SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY)$ Let's start with the market overview. Wednesday's plunge saw a rare put-buying frenzy. For those who bought puts ahead of the move, the decision was:A) Take profitsB) Roll down to lower strike putsDealers opted for (B), rolling out of higher strikes to position for further downside:Closing Sept 20 526 puts, rolling to Sept
      Continuing Prep for Next Week's Pullback, Watch for Low Probability Slide on Friday
    • OptionsAuraOptionsAura
      ·07-25 20:11

      Market Meltdown? Six Options Tactics That Could Save Your Portfolio

      Overnight, the US stock market fell sharply, Magnificent Seven was sold due to poor performance.The $S&P 500(.SPX)$ plunged 2.32%, marking its worst single-day performance since December 2022. For the first time in 356 trading days, it closed with a loss exceeding 2%, breaking the record of 365 consecutive trading days since 2007 without a 2% or more drop. The $NASDAQ(.IXIC)$ also took a hard hit, falling 3.64%, its steepest one-day drop since October 2022, and closing at its lowest point since June 10. The $DJIA(.DJI)$ dipped 1.25%, ending below 40,000 points for the first time in two weeks.Looking at individual stocks, the "Magnificent Seven" has evaporate
      Market Meltdown? Six Options Tactics That Could Save Your Portfolio
    • OptionsAuraOptionsAura
      ·07-24 21:13

      Long Strangle for ABBV & AZN Earnings: Boost Your Wins

      Stock prices usually take a wild swing after companies release their financial reports. If you're looking to make some money by betting on the direction of these moves before earnings announcements, options trading can be a powerful tool to amplify gains and minimize risks.Betting on earnings with options is arguably one of the simplest strategies, offering massive returns when you get it right. But remember, it's not just about guessing the direction; you need a significant price swing to overcome the odds stacked against you as a buyer. The sellers, on the other hand, have the upper hand, silently collecting premiums and capitalizing on the reduced volatility around earnings.To stay ahead in the earnings game, aim to be the option seller. Your goal is to cash in on those juicy premiums a
      Long Strangle for ABBV & AZN Earnings: Boost Your Wins
    • OptionsDeltaOptionsDelta

      Tesla Charging Towards 300 Again?

      Even I am getting numb to the constantly shifting winds. What were the catalysts over the past couple days? Biden not running? September rate cut?Regardless of the reason, on Monday we saw a massive 23,462 volume buyer in the $TSLA 20240920 300.0 CALL$  .The good news is that most of the option buying was outright, not part of a spread. The bad news is that the order flow seems to fall between retail and institutional in terms of style.So these 23,462 calls could either be thousands of retail traders piling in, or institutions putting on an initial position that others are chasing.I'm leaning towards the latter, as retail tends to favor shorter-dated weekly or monthly options rather than going all the way out to Septembe
      Tesla Charging Towards 300 Again?
    • OptionsAuraOptionsAura

      Trade VRT Earnings: NVIDIA Supplier's Straddle Options Strategies

      With $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ setting the pace as the "global AI barometer," Wall Street's ongoing optimism has sparked an AI gold rush in the US stock market.$Vertiv Holdings LLC(VRT)$ , known for its power and cooling infrastructure solutions, offers a range of air-cooled, liquid-cooled, and power distribution services tailored for compute-intensive AI workloads. Their liquid cooling solutions, including the Liebert XDM split indoor chilled water unit and Liebert XDU coolant distribution unit, are integral to their offerings. Vertiv recently launched the AIGC full-stack liquid cooling solutions in April 2024, featuring both cold plate and immersion options. The cold plate solution, with its 1mm precision to i
      Trade VRT Earnings: NVIDIA Supplier's Straddle Options Strategies
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium
      ·07-26 13:14

      Option Strategies: TQQQ

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!Am contemplating selling puts and buying calls on $ProShares UltraPro QQQ(TQQQ)$ for a bounce. The sell-off has been drastic. Gotta be getting close to a short-term bottom. Might DCA into a position on both. 🤔Follow me to learn more about analysis!!https://x.com/Selling4Premium
      Option Strategies: TQQQ
    • OptionsDeltaOptionsDelta

      Bracing for a Major Pullback

      Last week's unusual option activity suggests July-August could be turbulent. After all, we've been anticipating this pullback since late May – the "wolf" cries have persisted for over a month. Wall Street's bears have patiently waited through the holiday period, so a correction would only be courteous at this point.While I previously projected SPY towards 550, now that we're here, it doesn't signal an end, but rather the start of the second pullback phase.The second phase target, based on option positioning, appears to be 520-525, implying a 4-5% further drawdown for the S&P 500.Typical buy-side flows include: $SPY 20240816 522.0 PUT$ For this week specifically, there's a chance we test 540 first.
      Bracing for a Major Pullback
    • Ryan_Z0528Ryan_Z0528

      BA stands on 120 DMA and close at $186.4, may we plan 190C on 08/02/2024

      $Boeing(BA)$ lead the gains of $DJIA(.DJI)$ components, due to the company got big plane order from 'World's Best Airline'—Qatar Airways.July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing and Qatar Airways announced today the Middle Eastern airline's order for 20 more 777-9 airplanes, which will be the world's largest and most fuel-efficient twin-engine jet. The order, which expands the carrier's 777X order book to nearly 100 airplanes, was finalized this year and listed as unidentified on Boeing's Orders & Deliveries website. $Boeing(BA)$ got another big win at the Farnborough Airshow in London on Tuesday after securing an order of 20 777X aircraft from Qatar Airways.
      BA stands on 120 DMA and close at $186.4, may we plan 190C on 08/02/2024
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium
      ·07-25 13:37

      Option Strategies: .SPX& NVDA

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1. $S&P 500(.SPX)$ looking good for an optionselling trade. Over 1% down ... looking at selling a put credit spread 1% OTM and then selling a call credit spread to turn it into an Iron Condor trade.2. $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ testing that 116-118 support range yet again ... and yet again holding. Kinda want to see what tomorrow brings, but if NVDA continues to hold this support zone strongly, then might be another optionselling put play.Thinking -- July 26 expiration, put strike in the 107-110 range. 🤔3.P/L this week gonna look really bad from rolling positions and taking losses on some positions we just wanted to get out of holding 😢.Fo
      Option Strategies: .SPX& NVDA
    • EliteOptionsTraderEliteOptionsTrader
      ·07-25 14:07

      Option Strategies: .SPX, AAPL, META& TSLA

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some trading strategies with you!1. $S&P 500(.SPX)$ big sell off today.. SPX 5444 test coming next.. possible we see 5400 before a bottom starts to form. Puts can work under 5500 $Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ breaking under 474.. it can drop another 12-15 pts under 470 $Apple(AAPL)$ under 220 can drop to 210. Puts can work under 2202.Trade plan for Thursday ✅ $S&P 500(.SPX)$ down 128 pts today. SPX can drop one more dip to 5374-5400 range before a bottom forms.5400P can work under 5430 $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ under 215 can test 208,2002
      Option Strategies: .SPX, AAPL, META& TSLA
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: TSLA& GOOGL

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Executed our trade on $Alphabet(GOOGL)$ . Changed it up slightly. ▫️ Bought the 1x1x2 put spread as planned▫️ Bought a July 26 exp 200/205 call debit spread▫️ Sold the Aug 9 exp 205 calls2.We bet wrong on $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ for earnings ... 🤣 !! Oh well ... such is life. Here's what we're gonna do.For the July 26 exp 280/285 call debit spread:▫️ Keep the 280 long call as as worthless hedge▫️ Roll the 285 short call down to the 240-250 range for net credit (assuming there is decent premium still available) to offset some of the lossFor the July 26 exp 227.5/225/195 put ratio spread:▫️ Hold the 227.5/225 put debit spread to see if we
      Option Strategies: TSLA& GOOGL
    • EliteOptionsTraderEliteOptionsTrader

      Option Strategies: TSLA, META, .SPX& QQQ

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some trading strategies with you!1. $S&P 500(.SPX)$ setting up for 5600 test, breaking out above 5568.. Calls working above the 5568 resistance i mentioned premarket $Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$ 283 coming next.. #bitcoin conference starting on Thursday.. COIN through 283 can run to 300 $Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ 500 coming 🚀2. $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ Earnings Trade Idea 📈TSLA July 26 265C ✅Target 1 268Target 2 278 $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ is close to breaking out of a 12-month consolidation if it closes through 268 after earnings. TSLA thro
      Option Strategies: TSLA, META, .SPX& QQQ
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: SOFI, VST, NVDA& AMD

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with u!1.Our trading recap for the week: ✅ Solid performance on the weekly optionselling trades with a net profit of $12,404.72 📈❌ Got killed on our long-term tech stock holdings and longer-expiration sold puts, so this portfolio is down quite a bit from where it was a week ago 📉◻️ No assignments and rolled just one position to this upcoming week's expiration◻️ Gonna be a big earnings week coming up ... be prepared for more volatility◻️ Follow and stay tuned ... will post optionsTrading ideas in a separate post2.Our optionselling game plan for this week with July 26 expiration.Current trades in play:- $ASML Holding NV(ASML)$ 855 put. Rolled this from 900 strike that was expiring last wee
      Option Strategies: SOFI, VST, NVDA& AMD
    • BaconiBaconi

      Logitech International S.A. Q4 2024 Earnings and August 16 Options Expiry: A Comprehensive Analysis for Investors

      $Logitech International SA(LOGI)$, a global leader in computer peripherals and innovative tech products, is set to release its Q4 2024 earnings on July 22, 2024. This pivotal event, coupled with the options expiry date of August 16, 2024, has captured the attention of finance professionals, options traders, and long-term investors. This in-depth analysis explores Logitech’s market position, earnings expectations, and crucial options data that savvy traders closely monitor. Earnings Preview: What Investors Need to Know Logitech is poised to announce its quarterly earnings on July 22, 2024, for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024. Wall Street analysts project earnings per share (EPS) of $0.55, indicating a robust performance in a challenging mark
      Logitech International S.A. Q4 2024 Earnings and August 16 Options Expiry: A Comprehensive Analysis for Investors
    • BaconiBaconi

      Verizon Communications Inc. Q2 2024 Earnings and July 26 Options Expiry: A Deep Dive for Investors

      $Verizon(VZ)$, a titan in the telecommunications industry, is poised to unveil its second-quarter 2024 earnings on July 22, 2024. This pivotal event, coupled with the options expiry date of July 26, 2024, has captured the attention of finance professionals, options traders, and long-term investors. This comprehensive analysis delves into Verizon’s market position, earnings expectations, and the intricate options data that savvy traders closely monitor. Current Market Position and Stock Performance As of the latest trading session, Verizon’s stock is hovering at $41.62, exhibiting a bullish trend in the lead-up to the earnings announcement. This upward momentum is fueled by positive market sentiment and Verizon’s strategic advancements in 5G technolo
      Verizon Communications Inc. Q2 2024 Earnings and July 26 Options Expiry: A Deep Dive for Investors
    • EliteOptionsTraderEliteOptionsTrader

      Trading Strategies: .SPX, COIN, META& TSLA

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some trading analysis with you!1. $S&P 500(.SPX)$ defended 5536 on the back test just now, if it can hold there we can see 5600 by Friday. Core PCE data coming up on Friday $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ 268 in play after earnings tomorrow, $Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ setting up for 500 by Friday if tech can hold up here.. $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ to 126 in play $Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$ 265 is a breakout level for a run to 283 this week Keep a close eye on the 265 resistance level🚀2.Trade plan for Tuesday ✅
      Trading Strategies: .SPX, COIN, META& TSLA
    • EliteOptionsTraderEliteOptionsTrader

      Option Strategies: COIN, TSLA& .SPX

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some trading strategies with you!1. $Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$ Trade Idea: July 26th 270C 💡Trigger: Above 259 📈Target: 272 🎯Stop: 254 🛑COIN is setting up for 283 this summer. Calls can work above 259 or 246 backtest and hold. 2. $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ ER Trade Idea: July 26th 260C 💡Target: 268 🎯TSLA reports earnings on Tuesday AH (23 pt mv). If 233 holds after ER we should see 268+ this summer.3. $S&P 500(.SPX)$ is down 164 pts since last week. If SPX fails to defend 5500 we can see another dip to 5444 before a bottom starts to form. Let the market drop for now, we can see at least 2-3 more days of a pullback before a sh
      Option Strategies: COIN, TSLA& .SPX
    • OptionsDeltaOptionsDelta

      Earnings Warning - Heavy Put Buying is Not a Good Sign

      Based on the current trend, SPY is likely headed towards 545, although a fresh rally to new highs is possible after risk is released. However, the potential downturn could be painful. $Netflix(NFLX)$ Netflix has a high probability of leading the earnings pullback, as major option flows are skewed bearishly, though this doesn't necessarily imply disappointing results.This week's put spread targets 600-570:Buy NFLX 20240719 600 PutsSell NFLX 20240719 570 PutsNext week's put spread strikes are 660-580:Buy NFLX 20240726 650 PutsSell NFLX 20240726 580 PutsImplying around a 10% potential downside. $Microsoft(MSFT)$ While Netflix bearishness is expected, the emergence of large MSFT put buyers is surprising, incl
      Earnings Warning - Heavy Put Buying is Not a Good Sign
    • OptionsDeltaOptionsDelta

      Apple Still Bullish? How to Free-Ride Upside Calls

      $Apple(AAPL)$ Monday saw a 1.6% rally in Apple on an upgrade, but this week's institutional flows have skewed bearish - buying 230 puts, selling 225 puts; buying 227.5 puts, selling 222.5 puts.So let's start by selling some upside calls first: Sell $AAPL 20240719 240 CALL$ That said, there were some bullish trades as well, employing a rather ingenious "free-ride" call spread strategy:Buy $AAPL 20240816 230 CALL$  x1Sell $AAPL 20240816 260 CALL$  x10The rationale is to buy 1 lot of 230 calls while selling 10 lots of 260 calls - essentially betting
      Apple Still Bullish? How to Free-Ride Upside Calls