• jethrojethro
      ·07-06 03:23

      To The moon - Become a Contributor

      Find out more here:To The moon - Become a Contributor Click to view this week's hot topics! Start posting and stand a chance to get cool rewards
      To The moon - Become a Contributor
    • SpidersSpiders
      ·07-05 13:20
      It is crucial to be bold and decisive when investing in stocks. Over time, I have encountered multiple instances where I identified a stock that I wanted to purchase at a specific price but hesitated. This hesitation often resulted in missing out as the stock price subsequently rose and the opportunity slipped away. These experiences have taught me an important lesson about stock investing. When a stock's price drops to a level that I find attractive and aligns with my investment strategy, it is best to act promptly and make the purchase. Waiting for the price to fall even further can lead to missed opportunities as stock prices can quickly rebound. By being decisive and trusting my research and instincts, I can capitalise on favourable market conditions and potentially enhance my investme
    • MHhMHh
      ·07-04 20:14
      Stock analysis. Need to have this to choose the right stock to buy first.
    • YTiggerYTigger
      ·07-04 19:03
      Risk Management
    • HelenJanetHelenJanet
      ·07-04 16:44
      Stock investment is not like gambling, we need to do alot of homework in order not to incur huge losses. Conducting thorough research like analyzing the financial performance of the companies & company fundamentals, be updated on the market trends & geopolitical factors are some of important factors in making stock investment decision.
    • JimmyKapadiaJimmyKapadia
      ·07-04 16:05
      I recommend being patience and before you be patience get the hang of buying a stock at low and selling at high. The skill you need to buy low is basically research and trend of a particular stock. Happy Trading
    • Tiger VTiger V
      ·07-04 15:34

      Acquired Skills vs. Natural Talent in Stock Trading: The Power of Understanding Volume and Price Dynamics

      In the realm of stock trading, there's a significant debate about whether natural talent or acquired skills play a more pivotal role. While innate talent might give some individuals an edge, the importance of acquired skills cannot be overstated, particularly in the fast-paced, data-driven world of stock trading. The most crucial skill for any trader is the ability to analyze and understand the relationship between price and volume—essentially mastering "naked chart trading." The Core of Trading: Price and Volume Stock trading boils down to the interplay between two fundamental components: price and volume. All technical indicators derive from these two elements. Therefore, instead of being overwhelmed by a myriad of indicators, why not focus on the essence of trading? By dedicating time
      Acquired Skills vs. Natural Talent in Stock Trading: The Power of Understanding Volume and Price Dynamics
    • SamlunchSamlunch
      ·07-04 14:57
      Having disciplined risk management is the most important trait to have in investing. When you spot an actionable setup, have clear and defined entry, stop loss, and profit taking levels. Sometimes the trade goes against you and you get stopped out, thats fine, move on to the next set up. Don't hold on to a losing trade and watch as your capital goes from 70% to 30% to zero. Preserve your trading capital to stay in the game. Otherwise it's back to flipping burgers 🍔
    • Chris LukChris Luk
      ·07-04 14:55

      In the Realm of Stock Trading: Skills Rule the Den

      @Tiger_comments, you're right, in the world of stock trading, honed skills are generally considered more important than raw talent. While some may have an intuitive grasp of the market, consistent success requires a well-developed toolkit. Now, regarding the most crucial skill, it's tough to pick just one. Stock trading is a multifaceted beast, demanding a combination of strengths. Here are some contenders: Analytical Prowess: Dissecting financial data, both fundamental (company financials) and technical (price charts and indicators) is vital. You need to interpret the information and identify potential opportunities. Discipline & Patience: The market can be a whirlwind. Sticking to your trading plan and avoiding emotional decisio
      In the Realm of Stock Trading: Skills Rule the Den
    • SpidersSpiders
      ·07-04 13:27
      Achieving a contentment mindset is crucial in stock trading. One of the first aspects of a contentment mindset is being genuinely grateful for what we have achieved. In stock trading, we often set ambitious goals and envision significant profits. When we do make a profit but it falls short of our expectations because the stock price continues to rise after we sell, it can be tempting to dwell on what could have been. However, a contented mindset shifts our focus from missed opportunities to appreciate the gains we have made. Losses are an inevitable part of trading. No trader can avoid them entirely and how we respond to losses is crucial. A contentment mindset helps us view losses as a natural part of the learning process rather than a personal failure. Instead of being discouraged, we c
    • AqaAqa
      ·07-04 12:27
      Stock trading needs acquired skills to be successful. This includes analytical skills. The stock market can be extremely volatile, and traders analyse market trends to make sound investment decisions. Always have a good mindset and be disciplined in time and money for trades. Thanks @Tiger_comments @icycrystal [Heart][Heart][Heart]
    • JacksNifflerJacksNiffler
      ·07-04 12:02

      End of an Era: JPMorgan's Bold Strategist Marko Kolanovic Departs

      Big news from Wall Street, Marko Kolanovic, the chief strategist at JPMorgan Chase and a well-known "contrarian indicator" in the stock market, has resigned from his position. Kolanovic's departure marks the end of an era for $JPMorgan Chase(JPM)$ , where he became famous for his often unconventional market predictions.Kolanovic earned the nickname "contrarian indicator" because his calls frequently seemed to go against the prevailing market sentiment. Despite this, his insights and analyses were highly respected and closely watched by investors around the globe.So, what does his resignation mean for JPMorgan and the broader market? For JPMorgan, it creates a significant void in their strategy team. Kolanovic's unique perspective and bold calls oft
      End of an Era: JPMorgan's Bold Strategist Marko Kolanovic Departs
    • IykykIykyk
      ·07-04 11:58
      $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ Talent can't learn. Skill can learn
    • MojoStellarMojoStellar
      ·07-04 10:23
      thank you, @Tiger_comments, for this event. Through my experience,  I took up lessons on key skills like financial analysis and technical analysis, risk management, and emotional and decision-making. These skills are the foundation of the first step. Then, communities like tiger brokers and etc. There's risk in any investing. Therefore, I mentioned risk management and emotions. If you really lost money, listen to relaxing music, chill 😎https://youtu.be/y2VAULbCLfQ (I bet mood turned better)  @TigerEvents @Daily_Discussion @Emotional Investor @vodkalime
    • ShyonShyon
      Few critical things you need to take note in order to become a successful trader. 1. Discipline This is the most important criteria that you need to practice during investment. Remember to plan your trade, and trade your plan! 2. Protect your modal and risk management It's important for you to have some risk management during your trade. Cut loss if something is going wrong and no longer align with your investment objective. 3. Basic fundamental and technical skills It is always good to have some basic fundamental and technical skills that will be very helpful for you to seek a suitable entry or exit point during your trades. 4. Never FOMO Never be dear of miss out especially in those meme stocks with crazy rally. Most of the investors end up losing money in these stocks. 5. Emotion ma
    • CYKuanCYKuan
      the most recommended skill is the ability to join in a valuable and fruitful investment community, not necessary have to follow the trade of the peers, but the atmosphere of the group to keep own trade momentum moving, to get confidence & assurance from the articles that shared. To get reminder from the possible loop holes that we could possible overlook in the investment thesis, through articles/trades shared by the others. So stocks trading community involvements is a important skill recommended for other Tigers
    • GoonduGoondu
      In stock trading, several key skills are essential for success: 1. **Analytical Prowess**: The ability to analyze charts and trends is crucial for making informed trading decisions. 2. **Research Acumen**: Staying updated with market information and economic indicators helps traders react promptly to new data. 3. **Emotional Control**: Maintaining composure and adhering to trading plans despite market volatility is vital for managing risk. 4. **Meticulous Record Keeping**: Keeping detailed records of trades aids in strategy refinement and accountability. 5. **Discipline and Patience**: Knowing when not to trade and waiting for the right opportunities can prevent impulsive decisions. These skills, combined with a good mindset, can significantly enhance trading performance.
    • icycrystalicycrystal
      $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$   risk management is a very important factor. others include patience, discipline, checking emotions, and being contend (don't be too greedy as it can be dangerous if trading aggressively, not taking profits when you should). @koolgal @GoodLife99 @Universe宇宙 @rL @HelenJanet @LMSunshine @Shyon
    • icycrystalicycrystal
      risk management is a very important factor. others include patience, discipline, checking emotions, and being contend (don't be too greedy as it can be dangerous if trading aggressively, not taking profits when you should). @koolgal @GoodLife99 @Universe宇宙 @rL @HelenJanet @LMSunshine @Shyon @Aqa @SP
    • icycrystalicycrystal
      risk management is a very important factor. others include patience, discipline, checking emotions, and being contend (don't be too greedy as it can be dangerous if trading aggressively, not taking profits when you should).
    • Tiger_commentsTiger_comments

      What skill do you most recommend other tigers must learn?

      In our previous discussion on Stock Trading: Do Talents or Skills Matter More?, most tigers believed that acquired skills are more important than talents in stock trading.What do you think is the most important skill in stock trading?Some people think that getting market information promptly and understanding the timely changes in companies, such as $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ Q2 data released yesterday, is very important. Others identify Tesla's successful breakout through technical analysis. Or, adhering to good trading strategies and principles.I think having a good mindset is very important because I always end up buying high and selling low, unable to resist the urge to chase hig
      What skill do you most recommend other tigers must learn?
    • MaverickWealthBuilderMaverickWealthBuilder

      Will Eli Lilly's new Alzheimer's drug be blockbuster?

      $Eli Lilly(LLY)$ s Alzheimer's disease new drug donanemab (trade name Kisunla) was approved by the FDA. This is an important breakthrough that provides new treatment options for Alzheimer's disease patients. The stock opened lower that day, not because of the news, but because Biden joined Bernie Sanders in "calling" for $Novo Nordisk (NVO)$'s two Netflix diet pills, Ozempic and Wegovy, have had their prices drastically cut, and Eli Lilly has been hit because of its GLP-1 drug Mounjaro.But it's just shouting, and could be seen as nothing more than a means for Biden, who lost the first debate, to seemingly win favor with American voters. Lilly shares opened lower and higher during the session.C
      Will Eli Lilly's new Alzheimer's drug be blockbuster?
    • Chris LukChris Luk
      ·07-04 14:55

      In the Realm of Stock Trading: Skills Rule the Den

      @Tiger_comments, you're right, in the world of stock trading, honed skills are generally considered more important than raw talent. While some may have an intuitive grasp of the market, consistent success requires a well-developed toolkit. Now, regarding the most crucial skill, it's tough to pick just one. Stock trading is a multifaceted beast, demanding a combination of strengths. Here are some contenders: Analytical Prowess: Dissecting financial data, both fundamental (company financials) and technical (price charts and indicators) is vital. You need to interpret the information and identify potential opportunities. Discipline & Patience: The market can be a whirlwind. Sticking to your trading plan and avoiding emotional decisio
      In the Realm of Stock Trading: Skills Rule the Den
    • SpidersSpiders
      ·07-05 13:20
      It is crucial to be bold and decisive when investing in stocks. Over time, I have encountered multiple instances where I identified a stock that I wanted to purchase at a specific price but hesitated. This hesitation often resulted in missing out as the stock price subsequently rose and the opportunity slipped away. These experiences have taught me an important lesson about stock investing. When a stock's price drops to a level that I find attractive and aligns with my investment strategy, it is best to act promptly and make the purchase. Waiting for the price to fall even further can lead to missed opportunities as stock prices can quickly rebound. By being decisive and trusting my research and instincts, I can capitalise on favourable market conditions and potentially enhance my investme
    • jethrojethro
      ·07-06 03:23

      To The moon - Become a Contributor

      Find out more here:To The moon - Become a Contributor Click to view this week's hot topics! Start posting and stand a chance to get cool rewards
      To The moon - Become a Contributor
    • JacksNifflerJacksNiffler
      ·07-04 12:02

      End of an Era: JPMorgan's Bold Strategist Marko Kolanovic Departs

      Big news from Wall Street, Marko Kolanovic, the chief strategist at JPMorgan Chase and a well-known "contrarian indicator" in the stock market, has resigned from his position. Kolanovic's departure marks the end of an era for $JPMorgan Chase(JPM)$ , where he became famous for his often unconventional market predictions.Kolanovic earned the nickname "contrarian indicator" because his calls frequently seemed to go against the prevailing market sentiment. Despite this, his insights and analyses were highly respected and closely watched by investors around the globe.So, what does his resignation mean for JPMorgan and the broader market? For JPMorgan, it creates a significant void in their strategy team. Kolanovic's unique perspective and bold calls oft
      End of an Era: JPMorgan's Bold Strategist Marko Kolanovic Departs
    • SpidersSpiders
      ·07-04 13:27
      Achieving a contentment mindset is crucial in stock trading. One of the first aspects of a contentment mindset is being genuinely grateful for what we have achieved. In stock trading, we often set ambitious goals and envision significant profits. When we do make a profit but it falls short of our expectations because the stock price continues to rise after we sell, it can be tempting to dwell on what could have been. However, a contented mindset shifts our focus from missed opportunities to appreciate the gains we have made. Losses are an inevitable part of trading. No trader can avoid them entirely and how we respond to losses is crucial. A contentment mindset helps us view losses as a natural part of the learning process rather than a personal failure. Instead of being discouraged, we c
    • ShyonShyon
      Few critical things you need to take note in order to become a successful trader. 1. Discipline This is the most important criteria that you need to practice during investment. Remember to plan your trade, and trade your plan! 2. Protect your modal and risk management It's important for you to have some risk management during your trade. Cut loss if something is going wrong and no longer align with your investment objective. 3. Basic fundamental and technical skills It is always good to have some basic fundamental and technical skills that will be very helpful for you to seek a suitable entry or exit point during your trades. 4. Never FOMO Never be dear of miss out especially in those meme stocks with crazy rally. Most of the investors end up losing money in these stocks. 5. Emotion ma
    • MojoStellarMojoStellar
      ·07-04 10:23
      thank you, @Tiger_comments, for this event. Through my experience,  I took up lessons on key skills like financial analysis and technical analysis, risk management, and emotional and decision-making. These skills are the foundation of the first step. Then, communities like tiger brokers and etc. There's risk in any investing. Therefore, I mentioned risk management and emotions. If you really lost money, listen to relaxing music, chill 😎https://youtu.be/y2VAULbCLfQ (I bet mood turned better)  @TigerEvents @Daily_Discussion @Emotional Investor @vodkalime
    • GoonduGoondu
      In stock trading, several key skills are essential for success: 1. **Analytical Prowess**: The ability to analyze charts and trends is crucial for making informed trading decisions. 2. **Research Acumen**: Staying updated with market information and economic indicators helps traders react promptly to new data. 3. **Emotional Control**: Maintaining composure and adhering to trading plans despite market volatility is vital for managing risk. 4. **Meticulous Record Keeping**: Keeping detailed records of trades aids in strategy refinement and accountability. 5. **Discipline and Patience**: Knowing when not to trade and waiting for the right opportunities can prevent impulsive decisions. These skills, combined with a good mindset, can significantly enhance trading performance.
    • SamlunchSamlunch
      ·07-04 14:57
      Having disciplined risk management is the most important trait to have in investing. When you spot an actionable setup, have clear and defined entry, stop loss, and profit taking levels. Sometimes the trade goes against you and you get stopped out, thats fine, move on to the next set up. Don't hold on to a losing trade and watch as your capital goes from 70% to 30% to zero. Preserve your trading capital to stay in the game. Otherwise it's back to flipping burgers 🍔
    • Tiger VTiger V
      ·07-04 15:34

      Acquired Skills vs. Natural Talent in Stock Trading: The Power of Understanding Volume and Price Dynamics

      In the realm of stock trading, there's a significant debate about whether natural talent or acquired skills play a more pivotal role. While innate talent might give some individuals an edge, the importance of acquired skills cannot be overstated, particularly in the fast-paced, data-driven world of stock trading. The most crucial skill for any trader is the ability to analyze and understand the relationship between price and volume—essentially mastering "naked chart trading." The Core of Trading: Price and Volume Stock trading boils down to the interplay between two fundamental components: price and volume. All technical indicators derive from these two elements. Therefore, instead of being overwhelmed by a myriad of indicators, why not focus on the essence of trading? By dedicating time
      Acquired Skills vs. Natural Talent in Stock Trading: The Power of Understanding Volume and Price Dynamics
    • HelenJanetHelenJanet
      ·07-04 16:44
      Stock investment is not like gambling, we need to do alot of homework in order not to incur huge losses. Conducting thorough research like analyzing the financial performance of the companies & company fundamentals, be updated on the market trends & geopolitical factors are some of important factors in making stock investment decision.
    • CYKuanCYKuan
      the most recommended skill is the ability to join in a valuable and fruitful investment community, not necessary have to follow the trade of the peers, but the atmosphere of the group to keep own trade momentum moving, to get confidence & assurance from the articles that shared. To get reminder from the possible loop holes that we could possible overlook in the investment thesis, through articles/trades shared by the others. So stocks trading community involvements is a important skill recommended for other Tigers
    • icycrystalicycrystal
      $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$   risk management is a very important factor. others include patience, discipline, checking emotions, and being contend (don't be too greedy as it can be dangerous if trading aggressively, not taking profits when you should). @koolgal @GoodLife99 @Universe宇宙 @rL @HelenJanet @LMSunshine @Shyon
    • MHhMHh
      ·07-04 20:14
      Stock analysis. Need to have this to choose the right stock to buy first.
    • icycrystalicycrystal
      risk management is a very important factor. others include patience, discipline, checking emotions, and being contend (don't be too greedy as it can be dangerous if trading aggressively, not taking profits when you should). @koolgal @GoodLife99 @Universe宇宙 @rL @HelenJanet @LMSunshine @Shyon @Aqa @SP
    • AqaAqa
      ·07-04 12:27
      Stock trading needs acquired skills to be successful. This includes analytical skills. The stock market can be extremely volatile, and traders analyse market trends to make sound investment decisions. Always have a good mindset and be disciplined in time and money for trades. Thanks @Tiger_comments @icycrystal [Heart][Heart][Heart]
    • JimmyKapadiaJimmyKapadia
      ·07-04 16:05
      I recommend being patience and before you be patience get the hang of buying a stock at low and selling at high. The skill you need to buy low is basically research and trend of a particular stock. Happy Trading
    • YTiggerYTigger
      ·07-04 19:03
      Risk Management